Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Consideration needs to be given to the balance of time and coverage devoted to core units as against supplementary or school designed units .
2 But MacLaren , who watched the ball very carefully , Kemble and Yates came to the assistance of their county to give the home side a 28-run lead on first innings .
3 ‘ We are all great Cluedo fans and Melanie suggested to the girls that we all hunt for clues , ’ he said .
4 It was pleasant to be in the kitchen and Melanie hummed to herself as she hung cups from their hooks and propped the plates .
5 There are subdivisions within the Brahmin caste and Chari belonged to one of them : her dead husband used to conduct religious ceremonies for the Harijans of the area .
6 In the mandatory pre-fight squabbling , ITN 's Stewart Purvis lambasted the swing-ometer as ‘ a two-dimensional 1970s device ’ , and Horrocks chose to home in on the opposition 's choice of untried Jon Snow as their E-night pivot .
7 Early foreign residents were exposed to sporadic physical attacks by extreme anti-foreign elements , and anti-foreignism continued to be exploited by the Bakufu 's enemies to compound its political difficulties .
8 In technique and effect , relaxation therapy , hypnosis and autohypnosis , autogenic training and meditation appear to be very similar .
9 Third , they [ the Western Allies ] respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of Government under which they will live ; and they will wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them .
10 Still , higher education contains within itself , if only it would realize , an essential rationality : academics , students and disciplines have to be rational .
11 As she added : ‘ He was a genius and geniuses tend to be kind of childlike .
12 The rigour and honesty brought to the task will put students of church growth in Dr McGavran 's debt .
13 Precious robes were distributed to guests , and paan and sweetmeats offered to the attendant nobility .
14 At the same time , the sound of distant gunfire , explosions and shouting came to him on the night breeze , somewhere off his right and muffled by the intervening trees .
15 Research showed that both infant mortality rates and malnutrition tended to be higher among girls than boys , a fact which could not conceivably be ascribed to the occupation but reflected traditional attitudes that damaged the health of the community .
16 Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli 's ‘ Madonna and Child ’ , is now attributed by several scholars to Parmigianino after a photograph taken through the old mount revealed an architectural sketch and handwriting thought to be Parmigianino 's ( £52,000 , est. £20–25,000 ) .
17 Figure 12.1 outlines the major regulatory responsibilities and enactments relating to financial regulation .
18 Among papers of the family of Lamont of Knockdow are journals and notes relating to Novaya Zemlya , C.1869–70 , by Sir James Lamont .
19 In Lesotho a four man primary curriculum research unit has been set up and has undertaken a sample survey of primary schools under four headings ( i ) The physical environment ; ( ii ) the curriculum ; ( iii ) methods of learning and teaching leading to ( iv ) recommendations .
20 Boore ( 1979 ) investigated the effect of preoperative information about treatment and care , and teaching exercises to be performed postoperatively ; her study showed reduced stress in patients following surgery and also a reduced incidence of infection .
21 If this process is arrested and teaching reduced to the manipulation of a set of techniques , or conformity to a fixed method , then pedagogy as such ceases to exist .
22 Apart from its wrongness in principle , it is ineffective , since the wrongdoing continues without being subject to public censure , which is the way that society typically brings pressure on individuals and groups to conform to civilised norms .
23 The root of economic oppression , in the libertarian view , lies not in a given level of the productive forces , but in the ‘ relations of production ’ , in the way in which individuals and groups relate to one another in the process of producing wealth .
24 Differentiation of the virial expansion for π with respect to c , followed by substitution in equation ( 9.27 ) and rearrangement leads to where
25 The division of powers between president and parliament needs to be clarified .
26 More immediately , while realism dictated that Mary would go to England when she married , Henry was told very bluntly that she must not go sooner : such a demand would be ‘ a right high and right great inconvenience to the realm of Scotland ’ , and parliament trusted to the English king 's ‘ high wisdom ’ , and assumed that he would not insist .
27 All the names and forms attributed to this indefinable power are , in Gandhi 's view , symbols , and attempts to personalize God .
28 ‘ I have accepted all the names and forms attributed to God , as symbols connoting one formless omnipresent Rama .
29 It has been felt for some time that the procedure and forms relating to the granting of legal aid in criminal causes could be improved , and the introduction of legal aid in the District Courts has led to the position being scrutinised and a new procedure and application form introduced .
30 Financing such payments ( which frequently would take the form of annuity payments by the firm out of its profits or an annuity contract purchased by the firm ) was never easy and reliance had to be placed on incoming partners ' immediate capital contributions .
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