Example sentences of "and [verb] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 A vital clue in this respect was the attitude of the Bohemians and those other refugees from the middle-class world who had found music-hall and vaudeville such an exciting diversion .
2 Mr Pilkington was delighted and became such an enthusiast for air travel that he went on to make many more business trips by air , some of them as far afield as Australia .
3 High levels of public violence eventually forced the US ‘ occupying forces to take the necessary steps to control and remedy such a deplorable situation ’ ( Yamamoto 1981 p.30 ) .
4 The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable , neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility .
5 ‘ Well , why did he go down to Streatley on the Saturday night , and make such a bloody secret of it ? ’
6 ‘ Who but the English could put together two such unwelcome words and make such an appropriate term of them ?
7 Startled , Laura glanced quickly up at him , and met such a warm , infectious grin that she found herself smiling nervously back in return .
8 ‘ Rather silly of me , was n't it , to go and make such a careless mistake ? ’
9 They totalled seventy-six drawings and made such a lavish display , in a climate so obviously orientated towards a classical outcome , that they could almost be considered as a challenge to the sponsors with their instinctive bias towards classical architecture .
10 At once , she set to work and made such a remarkable copy of a Michelangelo that she was sent , when ten years old , to the Dublin School of Art where she learnt drawing and sculpture .
11 Some 400 million years ago , they found ways of surviving out of water and made such a success of life in their new surroundings that they ultimately gave rise to the most numerous and diverse group of all land animals , the insects .
12 She said : ‘ We are guilty of failing to provide for what is clearly a statutory service and I am truly appalled that we slipped up so badly and made such a serious mistake .
13 MONDAY After the Miracle by William Gibson , which continues the wonderful Helen Keller story , was produced by the Horseshoe Theatre Company at the Central Studio , Basingstoke in 1990 and made such an impact that there were demands for a repeat .
14 Although Green took heed of this advice and made such the subjects of many successful paintings , his main strength was in his large scale landscapes .
15 She had thrown Luke to the ground , herself on top of him , and when the yelling and the thudding and the terrible , high-pitched howling of collective terror had been over , when the cavalry had charged through the crowd like a scythe through a cornfield and silence such a silence had fallen , she had opened her eyes and seen blood everywhere , in her hair and her hands , all over the stupefied , half-suffocated child .
16 In the case of the weak interaction the ‘ balls ’ must be very heavy , because the force is so feeble and has such a short range : it would be difficult to throw a rugby ball made of lead very far , very often .
17 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
18 ‘ I can only remember the Maid 's Hook , ’ said Bessie , ‘ because it stands all on its own in the heavens and has such a definite shape . ’
19 In fact , a close reading of Dworkin 's theory indicates that there is no inconsistency in both advocating a right of conscientious war-tax diversion and denying such a right in the case of the welfare-tax protester .
20 The Chicontepec oil is onshore and close to infrastructure , but it is dogged with very low productivity sands , and covers such a large area that accurate prediction of the sweet spots is the only way to reduce an onerous number of wells .
21 Could I come down one weekend and build such a pond for her ?
22 Josephine Butler , who put so much emphasis on the importance of women 's domestic virtues , deplored the idea that reproduction alone should be ‘ the essential aim of [ women 's ] existence ’ , and considered such a position to be contrary to ‘ the unity of moral law ’ .
23 It must have been a daunting task to know how to encompass and animate such an extensive and familiar subject , but the Royal College of Art , which was commissioned to organise and design the event , enlisted that most reliable of cultural populists , John Julius Norwich , to curate , and he has proved a model of Dimblebyan dependability , as well as introducing the commendably brief but informative and well laid-out catalogue .
24 The last folly was finished in nineteen thirty-six and provoked such a public outcry that it led to the first-ever planning inquiry .
25 Mr Dennis and the Honda Marlborough McLaren team face a massive task to resurrect their fortunes after scoring only nine points in the opening three races and enduring such a miserable weekend debut with the long-awaited MP4/7A .
26 To install a computerised accounting system and employ someone with experience of setting up and operating such a system .
27 The absence of Neil Lenham ( how many times have I written that , I wonder ? ) handed Keith Greenfield a more regular opportunity to open , one this Brighton beau has grabbed enthusiastically , twice registering 55-overs bests , narrowly missing a Sunday best and forming such a productive partnership with Jamie Hall that Smith found himself at first drop for the initial one-dayers .
28 In spite of the difficulties of organizing and sustaining such an action in conditions of clandestinity , it continued for almost a week — an unprecedented event in the Franco regime .
29 ‘ All I can say is that it 's wonderful to come to Virginia and receive such an incredibly warm and encouraging welcome .
30 ‘ Whereas the police , no doubt , would continue to draft in innumerable squads of men to trample the landscape and inspect the ground , and exude such an aura of busyness and continuous reorganisation that even the most cynical observer could not fail to be impressed . ’
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