Example sentences of "and [verb] to them " in BNC.

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1 My senior staff have already addressed a meeting of Citizens Advice representatives in Edinburgh and explained to them the Council Tax legislation .
2 Within a mere three weeks the Smolensk Party authorities also required all uezd executive committees to collate , check , and comment to them on the minutes of every single peasant meeting on mutual aid .
3 No , he sa , he did , the , happen occasionally went to a neighbour and asked to them to borrow one , he 's not started again
4 This danger , and the maintenance task of overseeing organizational arrangements and seeing to them , are very real costs of a strong culture .
5 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
6 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
7 You can get drunk and dance to them or you can listen intently to the lyrics .
8 The most difficult part as a captain is generally making decisions early and sticking to them .
9 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
10 Otherwise expand n , generating all its successors , and attach to them pointers back to n .
11 We also need to talk to the tutors and say to them they 're your clients , are you meeting their needs ?
12 Erm but I intend to er contact them again and say to them , Well you know I 'm still here and should you hit problems or find that you 've just lost one of your erm staff who were providing the kind of services that I do , do n't forget that I 'm still here .
13 Well I mean the children , I mean if I go into the school and I , and say to them look there is a fire there but , you know , please will you not use it but it 's just a question of whether the children fiddle with it really , that 's
14 Go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views . ’
15 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
16 And I say to them ‘ Look , do n't start planning this whole thing on your own from the beginning , go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , or we agreed at such and such a meeting that I would do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views .
17 If I ca n't get to the person they want I try and say to them , ‘ Look , can you please ring back ’ , because if they left a message , that message would have been lying on my desk until the next morning , until I get round to actually phoning that person internally , saying this person rang .
18 This fellowship does not of course embrace Rome ; in Pilgrim 's Progress , Christian encounters Giant Pope , old and biting his nails because he can not get at the pilgrims , and mumbling to them , ‘ You will never mend till more of you be burned . ’
19 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
20 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
21 He had never seen any of them before , but the girl knocked on the window and shouted to them .
22 I could hear one of the children crying and shouted to them to get on the floor .
23 He liked to show parties of visitors round the house and to talk to them of Oswald , or Hild , or Cosin , or Lightfoot .
24 We need more space in our branches to improve the comfort and convenience for customers and to talk to them and serve them better .
25 Parents may need to sit with their children during this learning phase to encourage them to stay seated and to talk to them and distract them with stories and play .
26 Most of us need to spend much more time talking with children and listening to them .
27 The parent is the person whom we 've copied , talking and listening to them all our lives .
28 Such gratitude underlines the importance of merely giving older people our time , and listening to them .
29 There is strong evidence that ill-fed people in modern industrial and Third World societies are more likely to develop some infections and succumb to them , primarily because their immune systems are less effective : the so-called ‘ synergistic ’ effect ( Scrimshaw et al .
30 Go out with other people and listen to them laugh .
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