Example sentences of "and [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He stepped back from the console and whispered to the Cell .
2 To do this exercise , put the carriage to E , where you 'll find it tucks to the right and knits to the left .
3 The edict of Guntram issued at Péronne , and appended to the canons of the Council of Mâcon of 585 , continues royal involvement in ecclesiastical legislation , with an attack on Sunday work , and by backing the force of the canons with secular sanctions .
4 When the fish are well on feed I will put one rod away and change to a butt-indicator which allows me to fish more quickly and efficiently .
5 What had happened was that O had been at home , not sleeping , thinking about Boy at six in the morning , and he had called up and said , ‘ Are you watching TV , ’ to which Boy had replied , as the man had heard , ‘ Yes , ’ and then O had told Boy to turn over to the boxing ; he 'd just said , ‘ Get up and change to the third channel .
6 Thus a peroxide-bleaching process produces a less obnoxious effluent than a kier-boil-hypochlorite bleach , and change to the peroxide method might be advantageous provided that the resulting textile product and the costs were acceptable .
7 And change to the C drive so if you type C col
8 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
9 The beginnings were slow and limited to a few sectors where differences in labour costs were important .
10 Limited liability means that the financial liability of each person responsible as a member of the business is fixed from the outset and limited to a fixed amount .
11 An executive President would be head of state ; holders of this office would in future be elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
12 The head of state is the executive President , elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
13 These penetrate the foot of the molluscan intermediate host and develop to the infective L3 , and during this phase the mollusc may be eaten by paratenic hosts such as birds and rodents .
14 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
15 Some does , and some comes from contributions and grants to the ADAA Foundation , a separate corporation .
16 Yeltsin announced a softening of economic policy , with extra credits to industries , investments in agriculture and grants to the military conversion project .
17 He crouched down and clung to the rail with his right hand and reached out with his left as if to punch a hole through the wall .
18 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
19 And yet the various integrationist movements , brash or hesitant , in the 1940s looked to Britain for leadership , and clung to the hope that Britain would be absorbed , not least because of concerns over security .
20 We watched the emergence of one moth ; it crept out from its pale yellow papery cocoon , and clung to the stem of grass to which the cocoon had been fixed with silken threads .
21 A cold damp hung about the beechwood furniture and clung to the velour drapes .
22 A string of mucus hung from her left nostril and clung to the curve of her lipsticked mouth ; the waitresses kept looking across at the table .
23 The ground dipped and swayed beneath her ; she felt dizzy and clung to the rails , forcing herself to go down , to keep looking up , away from the void below .
24 Millicent Fawcett vehemently objected to family allowances becoming a feminist plank and clung to the typically nineteenth-century belief that allowances ‘ would destroy the fabric of family life by wiping out the responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their children ’ .
25 Madge had offered to carry her bag but she drew away and clung to the bannister rail .
26 Alone , she reached out and clung to the wooden balustrade .
27 There was the taste of death in the kiss , but she accepted the price with the prize , and clung to the bitterness and the bliss alike , knowing them for ever inseparable now .
28 Mr Behbehanian , his banker , who believed that the British controlled every event in Iran , was still pressing him to repair there and to apologize to the British for insulting them in recent years .
29 He stopped and had a cup of tea himself and explained to the Covent Garden porters , who wanted to know what he 'd got in the back , that it was the Sleeping Beauty .
30 Before doing so all offers received should be examined and explained to the client with a recommendation as to which offers to proceed with .
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