Example sentences of "and [verb] by some " in BNC.

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1 The price alterations are a study in themselves , an example being the First Return from Craven Arms to Eaton , the original fare perhaps dating from the last century , crossed out and altered by some unfortunate clerk , by gas light , with a fine nib pen and a bottle of railway ink. , round about 1915 .
2 He 's a really good man , who is suffering from ‘ technology shock , ’ and reacting by some heavy psychological things .
3 Hockney was the odd man out in Kasmin 's stable of abstract artists , and resented by some of them as a result .
4 Foucault has been much analysed , and criticized by some on both theoretical and historical grounds ( Ignatieff , 1991 ; Garland , 1995 , 1990 ) — although even his critics in the field of penal sociology have been profoundly influenced by Foucault .
5 He also had found Russell attractive — battered yet handsome and oppressed by some secret worry .
6 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
7 Already suffering from physical ailment , and surrounded by some marvellous women who took it in turns to look after him in the evening of his life , he was a fount of ideas and vision .
8 We feel this important , however , to counterbalance the view of crime , promoted by the Conservative Party , and accepted by some on the left , as being nothing more than violence , mugging and burglary .
9 On Jan. 28 this founding congress suffered a split and walkout by some 100 delegates led by Tadeusz Fiszbach , who criticized the attempt to create a successor party without a sufficiently clear break with the communist past .
10 Refugee talks were held in Ottawa on May 13-15 , chaired by Canada and attended by some 35 delegations .
11 Admired and revered or loathed and seen by some bigots as an enemy of society , Priestley was an intellectual champion of many causes .
12 A narrow rio ran past the bottom of Calle Nerone , and waiting by some steps was a small boat .
13 The person who wants to explore , keep on the move and typified by some form of touring holiday .
14 More democratic and collaborative pedagogies , as proposed by Troyna and Carrington ( 1990 ) and exemplified by some of the projects they have developed , are a step in the right direction .
15 By the time this younger generation has been correctly defined , it has grown older and replaced by some new unknown demographic quantity .
16 After being demolished and outgunned by some indifferent players , he attempted to use the new compounds , but to no avail .
17 The notion that clerical wealth was at the disposal of the realm when need arose was echoed and supported by some other developments of the reign : the practice whereby donations of land to the church first required royal licence ( and at a price ) ; the growing , though still limited , legal procedure and principle whereby endowments whose purposes were neglected by the receiving clergy could be recovered by the donor ; the practice of founders and patrons ‘ resuming ’ possession of the lands of religious houses embarrassed by debts ( not least debts resulting from taxation ) until they could again operate effectively ; the seizure of alien priories ; and lastly , the widening definition of temporalities at the expense of spiritualities .
18 Armed with matchlocks supplied by the Turks , and supported by some two hundred Turkish soldiers , he scattered the armies opposed to him , overran the and , carried off its treasure , burnt every church he could locate , and massacred the royal princes on their mountain-top .
19 Although there was a Jacobite rebellion in the summer of 1689 , led by John Graham of Claverhouse , Viscount Dundee , and supported by some of the Highland clans , it was not joined by any of the major regional magnates .
20 Perhaps because I was involved with other things , perhaps because at that time I was still trying to find my feet as a bisexual and felt isolated by straight sisters and excluded by some Black lesbians .
21 The general management approach of the second wave was recognised and practised by some managers some time before the appearance of the Griffiths recommendations , especially after the structural ‘ tidying up ’ of 1982 .
22 At about the same time , however , there was someone , somewhere , who was more than usually interested in chronicling Titford family details from past generations : a sheet of pale blue paper watermarked ‘ 1860 ’ was covered with names and dates by some mysterious hand , and eventually found its way into Benjamin 's own papers .
23 Michael X/Abdul Malik , for example , was respected and liked by some of It 's editorial board , such as Bill Levy and Jim Haynes .
24 This invitation was refused by the governments concerned , which also rejected a compromise solution , put forward by Libya and backed by some other Arab countries , for a UN investigation into the affair .
25 Assessed by the Financial Times as " a patchwork combination of reformist and reactionary measures " , and described by some in government as " a return to command-administrative methods " , the economic programme detailed a mass privatization scheme , but also reintroduced central control over wages and prices .
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