Example sentences of "and [verb] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would you rather I turned up in my paint-stained jeans and smelling of turpentine ? ’
2 They sat on staircases to talk about poetry or politics , and many of them smoked long thin cigarettes rolled in dark brown paper and smelling of perfume .
3 She had found one months later under the vegetable rack , shrunk to the size of a nut , dark wizened brown , and smelling of cider .
4 A few steps past the skips brings you to the lift , an aluminium cell sticky with spit and sweets and smelling of disinfectant .
5 She has also a teething baby , pinched and veined and smelling of milk .
6 She comes up gasping , the air warm about her face , hair dank and smelling of mud as her feet touch the bottom , sinking into its softness .
7 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
8 It was red and smelled of perfume .
9 The floor of the barn was cold stone and slimy and smelled of engine oil and damp cereals .
10 Much more so than the place she had visited in London , which had been dark and smelled of incense .
11 The chapel at St Mary 's Priory of the Little Sisters of Pity was cold and damp and smelled of candlegrease and incense .
12 Dimly lit , permanently blacked out , they had become dirty and dingy and smelled of neglect .
13 Well I have to say that much of the impact of this story depends upon your being able to see and think of Boy as beautiful , admirable and even adorable in the true senses of those difficult and dangerous but nonetheless precious and necessary words ; I suggest therefore that you amend my descriptions of Boy and his lover — but I anticipate myself , that was not to be for several weeks yet ; that ‘ Great Romance of Our Times ’ , as it became known amongst us , had not yet begun , its theme tune had not yet been composed on Gary 's piano , its scenario was not yet subject of our daily gossip and speculation , we were not yet auditioning for a place in the credits — The Friend , The Admirer , Blonde Man in Bar , Second Guest at Dinner Party .
14 While under capitalism the owning and accumulating of property is seen as the aim of life , in tribal conditions property is simple seen as a necessary pre-condition of life and social relations .
15 Surely this is the worthiest human task ; to cultivate this magic box and make of life a splendid and beautiful vision and creation ?
16 Fluent and sparing of gesture , compact and spruce of build , Burton smiles where other Hals have guffawed , relaxes where they have strained , and Falstaff ( played with affectionate obesity by Anthony Quayle ) must work hard to divert him .
17 At the end of his tirade he seemed curiously tired , and emptied of invective .
18 If attitudes towards deaf people influence the learning and using of BSL , then they almost certainly affect BSL interpreting .
19 A thrombus contains both fibrin-rich and platelet-rich material , and targeting of plasminogen activators could be achieved by either antifibrin or antiplatelet monoclonal antibodies .
20 Halberds would also be easy enough to manage , and although the pike was normally eighteen feet long and made of ash , there are records of women engaging successfully in pike-pushes .
21 They might be sorted according to any combination of these , such as things which are ‘ green and made of metal ’ , but such sophisticated sorting is seldom within the range of the very young child .
22 Etching vessels should be shallow , tightly-closing and made of polythene or similar soft plastic .
23 It had suddenly found itself desperately short of a special washer — waxed and made of felt — that is a vital bit in the detonation process inside the RAF 's latest 1,000lb bombs .
24 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
25 The box was a musical one and made of silver .
26 Tigers are more specialised and demanding of habitat and prey requirements than leopards .
27 Braille and large print materials are bulky ; braillers , typewriters , tape recorders and closed circuit television sets are both heavy and demanding of space .
28 You can not manage like that when staff are mobile , aware of skill-shortages and demanding of reward , participation and acknowledgement , ’ she adds.So are there no voices of dissension ?
29 Poppy-straw and concentrate of poppy-straw are controlled drugs and the Act apparently contemplates that one may be produced from the other .
30 Cold may also go down onto the chest with lots of secretions , coughing and rattling of mucus .
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