Example sentences of "and [verb] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the children were screaming as they watched the tussle going on between the nun and the girl whom they secretly admired and envied because she was n't afraid of the dreaded Sister Mary .
2 ‘ While you shower and change before I take you out for a meal . ’
3 1993 will continue to be a year of challenge and change as we consolidate our position as market leader aiming to generate the best financial performance in the industry .
4 Eventually Frankie and I were called in by Mum and told to get a wash and change as it was nearly time to go .
5 And as in uffish thought he stood , The Jabberwock , with eyes of flame , Came whiffling through the tulgey wood , And burbled as it came !
6 Here lies the greatest pleasure of greenhouse gardening , since there is little to equal the satisfaction of raising most of your own plants from seeds and cuttings , watching them grow and develop until they fulfil their potential planted out in the garden .
7 A landlord is bound to include a covenant against assignment and subletting if he wishes to maintain control over the business tenancy .
8 She could hear them yawning and coughing as they moved around .
9 Pneumonia during the prepatent phase may cause signs of dyspnoea and depression , whereas the presence of adult worms and excess mucus in the trachea lead to signs of asphyxia or suffocation with the bird gasping for air ; often there is a great deal of head shaking and coughing as it tries to rid itself of the obstruction .
10 We all spurred and whipped as we reached the bottom of the hill to keep up pace for the snow underfoot made the going heavy , when both Bowyer 's horse and that of Southgate suddenly took on a life of their own .
11 ‘ It 's costing next to nothing , ’ she said , and explained where they were staying .
12 You catch both balls and repeat until you have a very smooth action when you will be ready to insert the third ball .
13 If you 've ended up with 2 secs. stop down and repeat until you get something more useful .
14 If you 've ended up with 2 secs. stop down and repeat until you get something more useful .
15 Both events attracted large crowds who queued right around the shop and out of the door ; at both events the couple were cheered and clapped as they arrived and presented with ‘ bouquets of flowers and soft toys wearing yellow ribbons ’ .
16 You may now question and comment if you choose . ’
17 He rummaged under the counter and produced a colour chart , and , shoving the display-case of cakes to one side he flattened it out so that everyone could see and comment as they saw fit .
18 Erm , Derek said , and Derek said that erm that he now hoping you 'd go down and stay when they get naughty pictures !
19 The must is heated in a cauldron and boiled until it is reduced to one third of its volume to make the Arrobo .
20 We have to examine the reasons for and against the directive and judge whether it is justified in order to decide whether its mistake , if it is not justified , is large or small .
21 Now Mr and Mrs Jones believe it is easier not to press and to wait until she falls asleep on the settee before taking her to bed ( usually about 11 pm ) .
22 ‘ When the wall was breached in November 1989 , ’ Pischel says , ‘ I went to the company to say thank you , and asked whether they would take me back . ’
23 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
24 The day before contracts were due to be exchanged , the vendor phoned me and asked whether we could keep on his current lodger who was a student and about to take his final exams .
25 USL , reportedly working along similar lines ( UX No 383 ) , has declined to comment officially , and asked whether it was developing its own solution or buying the technology in from elsewhere , director of low-end Unix systems , Bill Traber , said ‘ I ca n't answer that . ’
26 As a friend of Linde 's , I was rather embarrassed , however , when I was later sent his paper by a scientific journal and asked whether it was suitable for publication .
27 I recall I think we possibly planned to use strings right from the word go and David , without my knowledge , went to Paul Buckmaster and asked whether he was interested in writing the string parts .
28 With that background , John went to Peggy van Praagh , ballet mistress of the young company , and asked whether he could have the vacant post provided that he could manage those lifts .
29 With this in mind I phoned a good friend who runs a detector shop and asked whether he had any decent second-hand machines for sale of the same type as my old one .
30 I did n't know that until Ben phoned this week and asked whether he could come over . ’
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