Example sentences of "and [verb] [vb pp] their " in BNC.

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1 A detailed procedure was proposed for assessing and ‘ statementing ’ children with special educational needs , with parents having rights to be involved and make known their views .
2 She designed a T-shirt for them and has written their anthem Children of the 90s .
3 Mr Harper , 63 , of Ronaldshay Drive , Richmond , is a friend to the old and has become their voice .
4 It has repeatedly urged them to enter into a close political and military alliance , and has countered their steadfast rejection of its overtures by voicing territorial claims .
5 In one country , Malawi , the President has taken a somewhat extreme stand against ‘ modern methods ’ in education and has forbidden their use .
6 The Willses ' modesty about their own achievements has amounted to selfdisparagement , and their preference for understatement has made some of them seem uncommunicative , especially at large gatherings , and has masked their underlying good humour and quiet sense of fun .
7 Recent research has illustrated that the raising of the minimum age of entitlement for Income Support in 1988 has forced young people to be dependent on their families and has inhibited their transition to adulthood ( Harris 1988 , Whynes and ferris 1990 ) .
8 To this the tiger agreed , and having tied their tails together in a reef knot , the pair set off arm in arm .
9 And having made their decision they set out with a will to forge a network of rough roads through this wilderness that would link the stockades of wire .
10 Several of Arkan 's soldiers jostled us on to the street and having made their fists and revolvers known to us , said : ‘ Arkan is the police here .
11 Older managers , on £16,650 , are regarded as more stable and having reached their ‘ ceiling ’ .
12 The patients reported at 0900 after an overnight fast and having discontinued their acid inhibitory treatment two weeks previously .
13 As more reports emerged , putting the death toll in Timisoara between several hundred and several thousand , Mr Ceausescu said the security forces had displayed great patience and had fulfilled their duty towards ‘ the homeland , people and socialist achievements ’ .
14 The men wore rubber ponchos and had exchanged their black berets for jungle hats pulled well down against the rain so that he was unable to discern whether Miguelito was amongst their number .
15 It emerged that Hayman had for some years been connected with the Paedophile Information Exchange ( PIE ) , and had received their contact magazine — carrying advertisements from men seeking sex with children — through the post .
16 But the five dockers ' case was about the ‘ very simple issue ’ of punishment for men who had defied the order of the NIRC and had expressed their intention to continue in that defiance .
17 Breeze and Gay had printed their handbills with great care , and had painted their board most beautifully — with the result that on the following Sunday afternoon the entire population of Overclyst and Clyst St George filed past Sunset Cottage in slow procession , gazing open-mouthed at the birthplace of such a surprising scheme .
18 Clover roots had become deformed in adapting to the polluted soil and had lost their ability to fix nitrogen .
19 It was alleged then that although the names of the judges were not announced until after the designs were submitted , some architects knew who they were to be and had pointed their designs towards them .
20 My clients were relieved , but the brothers , George and Mike Stevens , were not , and had made their feelings plain to Andrew Buccleuth in language that he did not normally hear outside the fringe theatre , of which he was a generous patron .
21 The established main roads that had been used for traffic between the medieval towns , and had made their own width with the usage of centuries , were generally left untouched by any parish awards .
22 The time to consider whether one wishes to opt out and whether one was opposed to a certain system is always when a decision has been made , but I 'd have thought it would have been far in the interests of the people of Banbury and the children and parents of Banbury if they 'd taken full advantage of the discussion on the tertiary college and had made their opinions known , and in the light of the results coming out and say a satisfactory decision had arisen that was frankly the time to get into the business of opting out .
23 ( Mr and Mrs William Plowden were away and had sent their apologies . )
24 He was descended ( though not through the male line ) from the family that had built the ships for the old Fowey Gallants of fourteenth-century fame , whose piratical seamen who had dared disobey the Sovereign by plundering Frenchmen and had had their fleet confiscated and sent to Dartmouth for their pains .
25 There was a legend that Lord 's ancestors had suffered for their allegiance to the Jacobite cause and had had their lands sequestered , forcing William Lord to work as a labourer .
26 The Council of State on Jan. 20 , 1990 , granted an amnesty to 22 of those detained for their part in the coup attempt of Oct. 17 , 1985 [ see p. 34217 ] ; 16 were freed unconditionally , while the remainder , who had been sentenced to death and had had their sentences commuted to 15 years ' imprisonment , remained under house arrest .
27 When they reached port and had sold their catch on the market , radio-activity was discovered all over ship , crew and catch .
28 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
29 She had created the situation in which the pupils had learned , had acted as mediator and had controlled their learning process .
30 He was a active member of the Society , which he described as ‘ the best of the local Societies ’ , and had addressed their meetings .
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