Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Green was very impressed and recommended Greenly to the director of the Geological Survey .
2 Senken Shinbun , a leading textile industry newspaper , has awarded a prize for marketing to the Tencel Kai , an association of more than 230 companies now actively developing and commercialising Tencel into fashion apparel .
3 Curtis reached out and clapped Turner on the shoulder .
4 Corbett nodded and clapped Ranulf on the shoulders .
5 With this announcement the powers which had occupied and divided Germany after the Second World War effectively accepted the inevitability of early German unification , although the statement contained no indication of the four powers ' preferred timetables for unification or for the two-plus-four negotiations .
6 The people we asked did n't much fancy the idea of eating lasagne and quaffing Lambrusco in an old lavatory .
7 And what of Malcolm Crosby … he teamed up with Smith at York … followed him to Roker and then took over and led Sunderland to Wembley …
8 Roosevelt served for thirteen years and led America through the depression , into the second world war and emerging at the other end as
9 Sara disengaged herself and led Jenny to a chair .
10 Athelstan sketched a blessing in the air at his tormentor , dismounted and led Philomel past the church of St Magnus on the corner of Bridge Street .
11 ‘ This way , ’ Miss Honey said , and she opened the gate and led Matilda through and closed it again .
12 The beefy man climbed down from behind his counter and led Joe to the back of the shop , where he unlocked a door .
13 Matt Ryan … who won the individual gold in the three day event and led Australia to a famous win .
14 Thérèse shouted out the Holy Name of Jesus and wiped Madeleine from her mind , wiped her hands on her apron .
15 THE North-East 's favourite layabout Andy Capp joins Batman and Judge Dredd in an intriguing exhibition opening in Middlesbrough today .
16 Assuming he was murdered , assuming that the murderer went first into the kitchen , then he could have crept back silently and attacked Berowne from behind .
17 I should have dressed up like a 1970s saloon bar Tory and asked Sigourney about her baby , her husband and her miscarriage .
18 Mrs Redmond talked about Bridie 's babies , whom she had seen the previous day , and asked Anne about her grandmother .
19 Just then , a Zoggian policewoman arrived and asked Zanya for the key to their spaceship .
20 And they went up and asked Wendy for photos .
21 Ken fancied his chances on television and asked HTV for an audition .
22 After a few days , burning with a sense of injustice , Dexter plucked up courage and asked Blanche about her double standards — what right had she to make him listen to her type of music , when he could not force her to listen to his ?
23 In December 1974 Camilla and Andrew had their first child — and asked Charles to be a godfather .
24 Fearful of upsetting those of a squeamish nature , I decided that an abrupt change of subject was in order and asked Jennifer about the guitars she was bringing with her to Europe : is she still an Ibanez 540S fan ?
25 ‘ What a treasure ’ and asked Stella to afternoon tea at George Henry Lee 's across the road .
26 When Gates heard it next , at the end of a three-man lunch with Casey on October 9th ( North made ‘ a cryptic comment about Swiss accounts and the contras ’ ) , he took it slightly more seriously , and asked Casey about it .
27 The council tried to take Mr Rowse to court for fraud and deception , and asked Rhoda to be the star witness for the prosecution but she refused , and had a startling remission , as Mr Rowse had promised her she would if she were only loyal .
28 Richards was promoted rear-admiral in 1870 , and became CB in 1871 .
29 ( 1862 ) , received honorary degrees from all four Scottish universities , and became FRSE in 1863 and FRS in 1879 .
30 Then they were both laughing , and the little woman , coming up and slapping Joe between the shoulders with such force that he coughed , said , ‘ Do n't look as if you are bein' confronted by a whale .
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