Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 WACC will continue to support women 's alternative media , monitor the way women are portrayed by the media , press for inclusive language and develop women 's networks .
2 The reform aimed to test consumer reaction to higher prices , and to stimulate farmers ' enthusiasm for grain production .
3 The replica Japanese aircraft outlasted the film and became collectors ' items .
4 Students ' action committees began coordinating demonstrations and contacting workers ' organizations .
5 The whole complex structure of the liturgy throughout the year orders and enacts believers ' common sense of how an ultimate reality engages with the processes of time : the Mass through the celebration of a corporate sense of all life as a divine gift sustained by processes of death and resurrection ; the office by a daily pattern of worship varying throughout the year to commemorate the significance of the events of the Incarnation and link the activities of the Church in time present with the saints .
6 The Discussion Paper illustrated ‘ split accounting ’ and ‘ the imputed interest method ’ and sought respondents ' views on them , although it did not propose that these methods be required .
7 In his address , Sir Thomas Kennedy spoke of the enormous communications gap that had to be bridged if the Appeal was to be successful , and sought delegates ' help in publicising the Fund and the Appeal especially through the medium of provincial and local newspapers .
8 I try and make women 's history clearer , because obviously they 've done history A level so they 've probably learnt about wars and all the male sort of things , so what women were doing and thinking and the way in which that has been suppressed ; as much as possible I like to teach by not putting very much of what I think across but trying to get other people to produce it … also encouraging them to share as an experience and personal responses and talking about things one would n't normally talk about in the department , the emotional side of things , in quotes ‘ irrational ’ , ‘ intuitive ’ and all of that , and valuing that … try and make it a space where people can say whatever they want to say ; I suppose value things that would not be valued elsewhere .
9 Other features include a Madagascar Centre for the endangered and unique animals of that country , a World of Invertebrates , a breeding centre for endangered macaws and a walk-through aquarium and redeveloped children 's zoo .
10 Retrospectively , the last of the mill-owners , as I then described them , had no chance in the argument over the abolition of the maximum wage and easing players ' contracts .
11 Others insisted that the so-called toleration of new moralists would merely lead to licentiousness and hinder women 's real sexual freedom .
12 Around the walls on hooks hung antique épées , foils , sabres , and daggers , as well as stone drinking steins decorated with double-headed eagles , fylfots , and tusked boars ' heads .
13 Women began to leave the cities and to establish women 's houses in the countryside and in Scotland and Wales .
14 The net result is to deter part-time employment among unemployed people and to increase women 's economic reliance on their partners .
15 A traditional concern of the English teacher has always been to develop the ways in which children interpret texts , spoken or written , literary or non-literary , and to increase children 's understanding of how texts convey multiple layers of meaning and meanings expressed from different points of view .
16 Welfare services will have to respond to this and agencies will be increasingly required to produce clear written information on their services for parents and children and to ascertain and consider clients ' views when decisions are made .
17 Lively and holds students ' interest .
18 Now a new charter by the National Association of Race Equality Advisers aims to ensure these obligations are fulfilled and transform ministers ' rhetoric into reality .
19 It stresses that it wants to keep rules to a minimum , but argues that the Community has to do something to help its weaker parts adapt to a single market and to meet workers ' worries about what 1992 will mean for them .
20 The language work develops awareness and build students ' knowledge in lexical and linguistic areas most typical of academic prose .
21 These days , if you imagine a young man 's sexual exploration , he works from the outside in and encounters women 's underwear long before he comes anywhere near the female body itself .
22 One group of people consider fishing men 's work and weaving women 's , while two hundred miles away it is women who fish and men who weave .
23 The Law Lords concurred with the Appeal Judges ' decision and dismissed Spicers ' appeal .
24 We will improve the quality of debates by allocating time for business more fairly , timetabling Committee sessions of bills and ending Parliaments ' late-night sittings .
25 The question of how many of the BBC 's 25,000 jobs will be shed after next year , and before the renewal of the Royal Charter in 1996 , is provoking unease at Bectu , the Broadcasting , Entertainment and Cinematograph Technicians ' Union .
26 This Act abolished the negotiating procedures set up in the 1965 Remuneration of Teachers Act , replacing them until 1990 by authorising the Secretary of State to appoint an interim advisory committee and to impose teachers ' pay and conditions .
27 They should be providing governors with regular information about their school , carefully explaining the LMS budget and how it compares with ‘ historic costs ’ , promoting financial understanding , raising awareness and allaying governors ' fears — many still see LMS as a daunting prospect .
28 In 1986 the government reversed itself and cut employers ' contributions to the fund ( though they have since been allowed to rise again ) .
29 The phrase ‘ no action shall be brought ’ is referring to a legal process and uses lawyers ' language .
30 Ironically , these qualitative differences between men and women have actually been used to explain away and neglect women 's unemployment ; their unemployment is not perceived as a problem because it is not the same as men 's .
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