Example sentences of "and [modal v] [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , I think that the influence of Matisse is something which is far more elusive and may not yet have been expressed in painting .
2 The problems listed above — and others — are real ones and may not easily be overcome .
3 The identity and classification a child chooses may not be ones which are obvious to an adult observer , and may not even be ones which the child himself is able to verbalise .
4 Psychologists and philosophers unfamiliar with AI typically underestimate the procedural-representational complexity of human and animal minds , and may not even realize that there are unsolved computational problems related to everyday psychological descriptions .
5 The relevant constitutive treaty may be bilateral and may not even satisfy the criteria for a dispositive treaty .
6 Some of those universities who do demand a dissertation may not deposit copies with the British Library , and may not even have a copy available for inter-library loan .
7 Probably in this case ( as in many others ) the parties and their lawyers were not familiar with the distinction and were just confused , and may not even have realised that there is a distinction .
8 You could partition off part of the tank for the other fish but this would detract from the overall appearance and may not necessarily work .
9 However , of the first 100 notified to the Commission ( but such notification is haphazard , and may not therefore be representative ) as having been formed in the first 14 months after the EEIG Regulation came into effect on 1 July 1989 , a rough pattern emerges .
10 The absence of tools , particularly from graves , may actually point more to the decisions which lie behind the choice of grave-goods to be interred with the dead ; tools have a very high use-value and may not therefore have been disposed of in this manner .
11 This model contains many assumptions and difficulties and may not actually be correct ; but this reflects practical problems in the application of the method rather than theoretical flaws in the validity of the approach .
12 The containers , palettes or packings must originate , or be , in free circulation within the EC and must not already have benefited from any VAT exemption .
13 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
14 If there is any general view in any quarter that the interest on special damages is in any event to be calculated at half-rate , when the losses do not continue from accident to trial , then I think that this is wrong and should not hereafter be followed .
15 Most members of the ruling élite , though , were becoming increasingly aware that Western contacts were inevitable , and should not merely be passively endured but exploited to Japan 's advantage .
16 It should be more generously calculated than at present and should not merely be the bare minimum market value , as seems to be the case at present .
17 ‘ We must demonstrate to youngsters that science and technology can in their many ways find the answers and should not always be viewed as the culprit . ’
18 Curtains and blinds can form a focal point in a room , and should not only harmonize with the overall interior decor but also enhance it .
19 The moral debate about what should be defined as crime is a debate about what we think is undesirable , and should not therefore be tolerated .
20 Since variables pattern differently in different places , their initial identification is by no means automatic and might not even be particularly easy .
21 It was difficult , in any of this , to discover what a future socialist or communist society would be like ; if there was consensus about anything it was that it would not be based upon public ownership , would not be dominated by a single ruling party , would not supersede capitalism and might not even offer an alternative to it .
22 Democratic theory as an ideal construct may recognise the existence of elites in real polities which are to be explained ; a democratic theory which accepts the existence of elites , describes democracy as a set of institutions and builds them into its descriptions as a central restraining factor , is arguably not in the democratic school and might not even be properly called theory .
23 He had n't , after all , promised not to look up the name and home number of the divisional security officer , and one small stain would n't really count and might not even show .
24 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
25 ‘ Now if the defendants were bound to charge the plaintiff for the carriage of his goods a less sum , and they refused to carry them except upon payment of a greater sum , as he was compelled to pay the amount demanded , and could not otherwise have his goods carried , the case falls within the principle of several decided cases , in which it has been held that money which a party has been wrongfully compelled to pay under circumstances in which he was unable to resist the imposition , may be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
26 Mistrust of a solicitor had to be based on tangible fact , and could not simply reflect a suspicion of the profession in general .
27 The analyses of both Cockburn and Dearlove imply a relationship between business and local government which did not exist at the time and could not easily be generated , whatever the ambitions of civil servants in the departments of central government , or of individual chief executives .
28 Secondly , for historical reasons we did not hold records of National Insurance numbers on the payroll file ( and could not easily add them ) .
29 Alex , from his position in the wings , was not concentrating as much and could not easily be kept informed about when they were stopping and starting , going back to rehearse lighting changes and so on , with the result that he was often feeding the wrong words .
30 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
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