Example sentences of "and [be] quite [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I admit I have watched Jamie doing this and been quite impressed .
2 The ministers get about £80 a year and are quite uneducated .
3 Warrington have the best half-back pairing in the game at the moment in Greg Mackey and Kevin Ellis and are quite capable of twisting the knife .
4 For example , 39 to 44 below all have a present-tense marked form of have and are quite unremarkable examples of standard English present-perfect sentence types .
5 But fretbuzz is a very subjective thing ; I 've met a number of players who will sacrifice all for a low playing action and are quite happy to put up with extraneous noises that others would run a mile to avoid .
6 We sell each other 's garments and are quite happy to do so .
7 Yes , I feel that it 's very much a case that they have things done to them all the time and our pupils , a lot of them , are quite sort of apathetic in decision-making and are quite happy to accept , or appear to be happy to accept , whatever anybody decides should be done for them , to them .
8 His most interesting essays during this period are , in fact , on specific poets , and are quite unencumbered by the theoretical baggage which he felt compelled to carry with him on other occasions ; as a result , they show his criticism at its best — witty , cogent , perceptive .
9 Some garden herbs are variants of a species and are quite acceptable because they retain their herbal qualities .
10 They tend to have a distinctive , pungent flavour and are quite different from other cheeses .
11 ‘ But we are not going to rush into anything and are quite willing to discuss this with the residents of Stoke Gardens . ’
12 The train that leaves Inverness in the morning does not reach Wick till a late hour in the evening : the hotel folk know this , and are quite prepared to keep open house till after the arrival of the train .
13 If you talk to people in the street the majority of people who have young children are certainly saying we need day care , we need opportunities for ourselves erm and are quite prepared , some of them at any rate , to go and say that to their local councillors and to write to their M Ps .
14 The spouting water sprays add a touch of authenticity , and are quite edible as they are made from rice paper .
15 I know quite a lot about his work and his reputation , and am quite proud of him , but I do n't expect ever to exchange one word with him .
16 One of the men he approached was Spurgeon who gave him this characteristic response : ‘ I sit on my own gate , and whistle my own tunes , and am quite content . ’
17 " But I have no wish to bring dishonour on you or your family , and am quite prepared to hand him back to you and forget about the whole matter — on one condition. ;
18 I think I 'm gon na get up nine o'clock actually and be quite productive some washing .
19 Daedalus expects that his under-pressured volunteers will lose appetite and be quite happy on two meals a day , especially if he provides airline food .
20 On short putts crouch a little more and be quite deliberate about the stroke itself .
21 well my Lord let me clarify and be quite clear
22 The attempts of the Serbs to form a Christian coalition against the advancing Turks were as ineffective as those of the great Albanian leader , Skanderbeg , who , like Djuradj Branković , found that the would-be allies often exacted a heavy price for their help and were quite capable of deserting the cause when it suited them .
23 In the summer of 1312 papal emissaries arrived in London to make peace between the king and his barons but their overtures were quickly rejected by the barons who , as one chronicler put it , ‘ had no notion of letters , but were skilled in military affairs and the use of arms ’ and were quite unwilling ‘ to discuss their own deeds or business of the realm with any foreigner or alien ’ .
24 as I say erm we 've got those but we were looking the other day and were quite amazed at how many different flowers there are out .
25 We were in Glasgow last weekend , and were quite chuffed when Ewan consented to come out for a walk just with us two , as he clings to Joyce a bit at the moment .
26 He 'd been buying his clothes at Acme Attractions up the road — a stall which generally did exactly the same as Malcolm only six months later , and were quite open about it .
27 Firstly , there was the bare fact that two London East Enders , both of whom had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing , had felt so passionately about their situation that , in different prisons and unknown to each other , they had each set themselves the daunting task of writing the equivalent of full-length books .
28 We know , too , that in the Devonian period , up to 410 million years ago , there were vast reefs off the west coast of Australia that were made by animals of a class that is now extinct , and were quite different from today 's corals .
29 Stefania played her role to perfection , managing to give the impression of existing only provisionally , to a limited extent , and being quite prepared at the drop of a hat either to become completely real or to vanish without trace , whichever was more convenient .
30 To have separate parties urging effectively identical policies seems absurd and is quite contrary to British political traditions .
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