Example sentences of "and [be] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These small crystals are known as phenocrysts and are one of the most characteristic features of andesites .
2 These are puff pastry parcels filled with fresh Scottish salmon in a light creamy sauce and are one of the most luxurious buffet items around .
3 The proposed development is to be situated next to Birch Spinney and Mawsley Marsh , SSSIs which feature an exceptional mixture of rare wildlife including flowers and herbs , and are one of the district 's last breeding grounds for snipe .
4 ‘ When I finish playing football I 'll probably be coaching and be one of those still playing in Wimbledon 's reserves at 40 .
5 But please try and be one of the winners .
6 You 're right about it being good just to be in the premier league and be one of the better teams .
7 Severe import controls were introduced and were one of the factors explaining the slump in industrial production in 1973 .
8 So they actually took a very active role against it , and had been the allies of people like the National Consumers ' League on other issues , but on this one they really differed , and were one of the major blocks to passing the legislation .
9 We have a dozen Note Trackers to give away and you can win one by answering the following three questions and being one of the first twelve correct entries out of the hat .
10 But you see , Mrs Sutherland , he handled that and being one of the first non-whites at St Andrew 's School .
11 In his constituency , the pressures of being nice to people , opening fetes , and being one of the lads had driven Grunte to seek the comforts of alcohol — that necessary anaesthetic without which politics would soon become intolerable .
12 INTERESTS AND ABILITIES : Leonard is particularly interested in sailing and is one of the best skippers in the unit .
13 He has Hungary 's second highest academic title in Marxist philosophy , has spent half his life teaching and disseminating the official ideology , and is one of the leaders of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party , which calls itself the ‘ vanguard of the working class ’ .
14 Yet more astonishingly we learn that the word of God is made flesh and is one of us and that God himself is tortured to death and that through our suffering and death we can share in God 's suffering and thereby , in some utterly incomprehensible way , in his life .
15 The 200 is a five-door hatchback and is one of the new breed of Escort-class cars to offer almost as much room inside as a Sierra .
16 He qualified for his colliery manager 's certificate in 1947 and is one of the longest-serving members of the Institute of Mining Engineers .
17 Soft solder is of course an aid to artefact manufacture as opposed to a raw material for overall construction , and is one of a whole range of alloys with more specialised applications in metalwork .
18 Pontnewydd Cave ( fig. 7.11 ) is situated near Rhyl in North Wales and is one of only two British sites having hominid remains of the Middle Pleistocene period .
19 The occasion was the bi-annual Fancy Food Show , which attracts more than 30,000 visitors and is one of the principal routes into the US consumer market .
20 But raised blood pressure is an early warning sign and is one of the simplest and cheapest checks that can be done .
21 Daisy Miller won her fifth race in a row here and is one of a quartet with five successes — the others are Claxton Greene , Confused Express and Rubie 's Choice — chasing Carl 's Choice , who moved on to eight in the West Kent Open and must be favourite to win The Daily Telegraph Trophy .
22 ‘ It has caused the abandonment of high standards and is one of the prime causes of stress among teachers and conscientious pupils . ’
23 TRIPOS , the first commercial molecular modelling software supplier , has realised over twelve years of steady growth since 1979 and is one of the leading providers of molecular design and analysis tools and services .
24 This was done with a Dunlop 31 ball and is one of the longest recorded clear carries known in golf ’ .
25 Tayloes , or Belvedere Mill , in Chalford stands on one of the oldest confirmed mill sites in the Chalford Valley and is one of the most picturesque .
26 One particularly notable example of the latter stands part way along the Nailsworth Valley , a few miles from Stroud and is one of the most impressive monuments to the Stroud woollen industry to survive ; the massive range of buildings called Dunkirk Mills .
27 Reading was and is one of his absorbing pleasures and on the bookshelves in the winter of 1971 and 1972 were : The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp , Shakespeare , Jules Feiffer 's Harry the Rat with Women , The Primal Scream , a selection of Hermann Hesse , Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and The Group Sex Tapes .
28 Entering the monastery , the ticket office is on the left and is one of the few places in Prague where good guide books can be bought .
29 It is one of the capital 's earliest Gothic buildings , dating from the second half of the 13C , and is one of the earliest surviving synagogues in Europe .
30 The technique outlined below is known as progressive muscular relaxation and is one of the easiest to master .
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