Example sentences of "and [unc] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And als also mention some of the , some of the items do have staffing implications and if you resolve to increase expenditure in certain areas , such as traffic problem .
2 Erm but erm that 's a , a very important point and er just remember that you have actually given the money to the other partner , technically in terms of tax anyway , and er that er can , can have an affect on things .
3 see you ca n't go out cos that 's er , and er just pushes on I think
4 It ran into the back of this motorway maintenance vehicle that was parked on the hard shoulder and er just burst into flames but how they can say they died instantly I do n't know .
5 And er just tell the forewoman .
6 And er just tell them that er the way they 've behaved , that you thought the way
7 As the President said the C E C are asking you to support four one O , four one three er with the qualification I 'll give you later four one four and four one five and er just thank you Linda for making me write up all the notes about that resolution and pulling out at the last minute .
8 And er just pulling the chain in the thing what er like a big white globe they used to be .
9 I mean we 've er the working party 's actually been around the country looking at various other swimming pools in the areas and er just to get an idea on what we thought Didcot would really like .
10 Everywhere we went , and we travelled — oh , hundreds of miles up north , er people were armed and er just guarding houses , bridges , schools , at night , on their own as a sort of people 's militia to keep the Khmer Rouge at bay .
11 When they complained to the hunt er , the Master brought er a leg of pork round , not a leg of lamb I might add , a leg of pork to er , appease them er one other point , ooh yeah , there was , is one other point actually , when my daughter challenged the hunt she was appalled by the arrogance of these pink coated hooray Henrys who totally ignored her plight and er just carried on with whatever they wished to do .
12 But you 'd perhaps go three or four times before the baby was born and er just see everything was alright and you 'd know which way the baby was lying a and which way it was going to er you know come and if you thought there was going to be any problems well you know then you , you would sort of let the doctor know and , and he 'd decide then .
13 and er just did
14 And er as I 've said before , I have n't seen a a barrel of oil burning and the heat and smoke that comes off that you consider the amount of oil that would have been in the separators on the platform at the time , I think it would have still have caused an awful lot of heat and an awful lot of smoke and fire , and er just shutting off the oil coming back to the platform maybe would n't have helped that much .
15 Adding er dining rooms and er sitting rooms for the old folk , and er also trying to break up the wards into s smaller units .
16 Well we wish you the best of luck , and er well let us know how you get on when you get back .
17 And er well kept flower beds and so on .
18 And it was er They used to great pride in their in their er stacks because they had to make them as neat as they could and er well built , so that if the So that w that was good for the To keep the the wind keep them dry .
19 Up my elbow and er anyway put it used to take it back to the shop and er well I was still inside the shop , down to a certain place in the shop and put it on a on a stand and then there 'd be a on that stand , beside the bucket , was a a box of not Lux not Lux soap but er yellow soap .
20 No , nothing at all about the lock and two years after closed and it was because of this because the men on the phone told me so and er anyway brought about the bridge and er I er accepted it , you know what I mean , it was that was it , I 'd done it myself .
21 And er where did you go to after Lane School ?
22 And er where did you start school ?
23 Erm and the reason we set this is that we are erm er the er , er we believe that this above average er growth in the in the , erm , er , earnings per share of the company is what shareh increases in shareholder value really depend on and er again to give an example erm , if you take the , the , the , the , the , the F T S E a hundred companies erm , and you do analyses of their er , growth rates and earnings per share you will find that the average growth rate was eleven and a half percent and ours er , was er , twenty , twenty percent so it 's above average remuneration erm , er , er , for above av for above average performance .
24 I , I , I think Chairman that on the , the case to which you refer as , as I recollect it was very much on the specific wording of the er restriction which erm was found to fail , because it applied to a number of houses and not to a specific property and er clearly care will have to be given by the districts that happens in imposing conditions to make sure that it will erm appertain to each individual property within a development so that the occupancy condition can be can be informed .
25 Where you know , the readout on the lathes etcetera er were easily seen and er easily operated .
26 So what he had to do , the the the the customer in fact , is end up by climbing up the bannister to get to the top so that he could get hold of the lad that was at the top get hold of him by the feet and pull him upwards and over and er finally free the man at the bottom .
27 But er I w I would think , although it 's before my time , I would think that er of what I 've heard my father talking about these early days , there was great enthusiasm for motorcycles and of course some of the early registered numbers you 'll find that there 's many of them were motorcycles , the young men of the town who had probably been cyclists , quite a number of them er took up this motorcycling and they made their own motorcycles so were buying either kits and er even manufacturing the tanks and these things themselves .
28 And therefore , in the County Council 's erm opinion , the test which I need to adopt when I go to the site again , is to look at it and er simply make a decision as to whether or not in my opinion the land is more properly a part of this built-up area which can not perform a greenbelt function , or is a part of the general extent of greenbelt around there , and therefore by definition performs a greenbelt function .
29 What I really want to ask before the house , very , very briefly indeed is the question of er what are they going to do when they get there and er thus look at the question of the cost effectiveness , well I see it .
30 Erm every new square inch of hard surface on the ground or roofing er means that less rain when it falls will er move into the ground or will run off more quickly or rapidly fill the water courses and er sooner reach the points of constriction that we know about and cause flooding problems .
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