Example sentences of "and [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 but erm , er at a stage that they are in and been for a long time in the States as we will have to er get armed , well I 'm sorry to say this but it seems like it
2 If it had n't been for that you 'd have reached Shipton and been on a train by now . ’
3 In actual fact I have bent over backwards , I was the only councillor that went and welcomed one of our new ke tenant farmers quite recently , having been on the agricultural environment protection committee and been on a board of er interview panel .
4 The fourth of Ashby 's proposals consists of the introduction of special incentives to employers , both in the private and public sector , to take on to their payrolls those who have failed to find work , even though they have done everything asked of them — are actively seeking work , registered for a job , been a member of a Job Club and been on an ET course .
5 The blooms are carried on long stalks and are over an inch across .
6 All the comfortable rooms sleep two and are of a high standard with private shower and W.C ; most have a balcony .
7 All rooms are well furnished and are of a good size , all will take a third bed and have a private bath or shower and balcony .
8 Again his meteorological observations resulted in the practical theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico and are of a similar nature , if vastly greater in scale , to water spouts and whirlwinds .
9 Choose potatoes which have shallow eyes and are of a good shape .
10 Assuming pre-tax profits of £230m , before one-off property income , Sears shares are on a p/e of 10.5 at 118p , a 10 per cent discount to the market , and are on a yield of over 6 per cent , exceeded only by Next and Storehouse .
11 Generally speaking , students from the United Kingdom who are under 50 years and are on a full-time course ( undergraduate degree , Higher National Diploma or Certificate , Diploma of Higher Education or Postgraduate Certificate in Education ) will be eligible for a loan .
12 Thousands of islands have been dispatched from factories in China and are on a ship somewhere between here and Asia .
13 ‘ Lots of jazz players have been doing it now for six or seven years and are on a level with the Americans .
14 However , if you do not currently receive a rebate and are on a low income , please apply to the Council now .
15 They are south-east-facing and are at a height of 110 metres .
16 These are mainly south-east-facing and are at an elevation of between 130 and 155 metres .
17 Cases of salmonella food poisoning in Britain have trebled in the last three years and are at an all-time high , according to government statistics .
18 Such propositions act as vehicles of explicit ontological claims and are as a rule informative , synthetic propositions ( some , like Kant , would argue that they are necessarily synthetic ) which , if true , widen our knowledge .
19 Thunderbird Zawn and the adjacent Trinity House Wall now sport in the region of 20 routes of VS to E6 and are worth a visit .
20 They are got at from every angle , from the board of directors , the crowd and the players , and are in a no-win situation . ’
21 If you are a small man , with only a few pounds of surplus weight , and are in a big hurry to lose it .
22 The premises have been newly plastered and are in a good state of cleanliness .
23 When hiring tools from HSS Hire Shops you only pay for the actual time the equipment is in use ; in addition you have the HAE assurance that the tools you select are regularly maintained , and are in a safe condition .
24 This will lead to the formation of issue networks or sub-governments — essentially triangular groupings of élites embracing bureaucrats , congressmen and pressure group leaders who share a common interest and are in a position to distort the policy making process to their collective advantage .
25 A body composed of other and smaller bodies , separated and in opposition to one another , which oppress and despise each other and are in a continuous state of war .
26 Neighbours , by definition , have the advantage of proximity and are in a better position to keep an eye on elderly or infirm people living nearby .
27 If it is not , then they are asked to leave for a year and are in a state of limbo , unable to play on the Tour and unable to play in amateur events . ’
28 Inevitably , there is concern among the institutions that their representatives have been excluded from the upper tier and are in a small minority in the lower tier .
29 For example , it is argued that former communist officials in the Russian provinces continue to wield much power and are in a position to render executive decisions ineffective .
30 It 's important to stress the relationship with Social Services , in that the Agency staff who link the very wide range of people from Social Services , often those people who hold local budgets and are in a position , using the funding that we have allocated to diverse things , to come up with creative solutions for , for er , keeping people at home rather than in , in institutional care .
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