Example sentences of "and [no cls] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And a and also , I mean , it was , and it was a Panasonic one this , erm what you do , if you were doing a jacket top potato , you er would weigh the potato and , and then erm put in the weight , say it was six ounces , and all you do then is press erm jacket potato , you do n't have to put any time , it automatically does it for the time .
2 they 've already made their minds up and a and definitely a lot of people vote on on on basically the choice
3 That 's how we 've grown and partic and particularly .
4 Not necessarily no , piggyback is where you asked , you asked me several questions and su and then either added another question to it or asked a question and gave an answer and by doing that you are limiting my responses and I was n't sure which an which question I was answering .
5 I move my Lord Mayor , with great pride that this amendment be supported and final and finally we will to the electorate , as we did last year , and we will win and we 'll have more success next year than we had this year .
6 They might want him or her to have a key , you know and er and just ran the keys up on a thing like that , you know what I mean , they was never out of the person 's possession .
7 Both in terms of social contact and er and also just in erm in literal terms , being properly fed and you know keeping warm over the Winter .
8 So we 're hoping to address all these issues and er and also to try to bring people back to the awareness that food is a basic human right , the right to eat is a basic human right and , and that we have to find ways to make sure people enjoy that basic human right .
9 Erm no , well we were very lucky in , we did n't have an awful lot of air raids , we had it over the lace market and er and near .
10 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
11 Wash your cans up erm and er and then they 'd go and finish off in the corn fields .
12 He worked at Underwood Pit when they were came to this district and then they came into the Newthorpe Common district and er and then er we moved from Newthorpe Common and he went to Williamthorpe for a short while , only from erm probably eighteen months to two years , that 's as much as did there .
13 And er and then I 'd load it up into the tubs and tram it out into the gate .
14 Oh we used to hole underneath the coal and er and then er Oh oh we used to have a ringer That was a long steel ringer that you could put behind the slines in the slines and lever the coal off you see ?
15 And er we used to go into er Bramcote Park and er manoeuvre er left flanking movements , and right flanking movements , and drill , and er and then , of course , and then , occasionally , we 'd have a mock battle .
16 the sport and so on and er and then what time you 're gon na go for .
17 And er and then er of course I went back to me mother after me grandmother died , I went to me mother and er mind you when I was th young there was a lot of poverty about you know there was er no security pay and no er and you could n't get any money from anywhere or anything like that you know and er so it used to er had to do the best you can .
18 S and er and then of course when you 'd got your so much water out again you used to go and fill it up again .
19 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
20 And er and then there used to be er
21 And er and then there was another voice voice called another film called , The er The Second Black Pearl , or some and them and there was the Dagger and
22 I used to come , and I used to go from there just past the top of there was two biggish houses erm who was it lived in the one some , somebody named and er and then there was er who was something to do at er on and somebody named who was , got a brewery at Dalston and , and they were ladies and proper genteel-type ladies at that .
23 And er and then people took great interest in making as bonny as they could in the top , to make a fancy top what they called erm c corn dollies .
24 And , and er and then there was
25 He was cremated and buried up at Creeting in my parents ' grave and that 's what 's going to happen to me , you see I will be cremated because erm , you know they make a sort of well and take off the top stone and the pebbles and things and er and then the ashes go in the and so in a casket do n't they and you see and so we shall
26 being on the railway and er , you see , er and of course I went then under his pass I suppose Mr and Mrs then and er and then of course we started to er when my parents first died we , we started to get around .
27 I think he had a little bit of ill health and my immediate superior took over as Traffic Superintendent and he was there throughout the war and when I came out he was my boss and er you see and er and then in nineteen forty eight was made Transport Manager , because as you say we had to split from Electric Supply and he carried on until erm nineteen seventy two and erm , we had government reorganization and erm they did away with people like the Town Clerk and Transport Manager and erm erm was retired , early retirement , the same as the Town Clerk and erm they brought in a General Manager from away and brought in more staff with him and that was came in and er so I then applied for the position , which was going , there was , there was Traffic Superintendent was going er Chief Administration Officer , Chief Engineer and erm er Bodywork Maintenance Superintendent .
28 You pick who you want but you got ta justify it and er and then so so okay , for arguments sake you pick say , for arguments sake picks .
29 And then you 've got ta ring them up and ask them again to see who 's to see who Cos they usually say , Well I 'll see what I can do , and then you 've got to ring them up again and see if they 've done anything , and and er and then sometimes you 've got ta ring them up again .
30 Oh er of course they erm , they did n't believe in married women working and er they thought a married woman should be at home you see , well I had n't got any family then you see , until er after oh we 'd been married a number of years when we had , when I had my first baby and er and then I had the other one pretty quickly and er then I was glad to go out to work again when they were school age , they were n't left unattended at all er one , the elder one looked after the one , we did n't live , we lived in then but erm there was n't any pressure for me to stay at home , it was with my husband 's consent , because he knew it was helping out because rent man 's wages were n't very good then , and erm he er he finished , he finished at the pits you see and he got a job rent collecting , and he er he used to do miles he 'd cycle part of the way and then er he 'd perhaps leave his cycle somewhere and call back for it , but he used to do all the and all round there , there 's a place called and then er a lot of places er he used to do the old , is this , is this on , erm he used to do round , round the top there there were some slums there .
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