Example sentences of "and [that] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They claimed that the ruling nullified the government 's argument that it had no liability for the death of the Palestinian because it was an act of war , and that it effectively restored the government 's response to the intifada to the status of a police operation .
2 Honeywell says that the agreement is a long term one , and that it also plans to use Apple 's next generation Macintosh — the one that will use the PowerPC RISC processor , in future generations of the Electronic Library System .
3 IBM reckons the 970 achieves a SPECmark rating of 100.3 , making IBM the first to produce a RISC system which scores a century on the benchmark , and that it also does 100.9 transactions per second on the Transaction Processing Performance Council 's TPC-A benchmark .
4 It is true that home blood testing provides more accurate information than that available from urine tests , especially in patients with an abnormal renal threshold , and that it also provides information about everyday fluctuations .
5 This is not to say that practice was unsatisfactory : rather that it was highly variable and that it mostly had little to do with PNP , despite the Authority 's intentions and despite its being written into the job specifications of PNP appointees .
6 It might automatically be assumed that because that was the name of our branch , we should be in the public service section and that it why we 've changed the name of the branch to Bristol and District Staff because we are an odds and sods branch .
7 This last point implies that psychoanalysis , as such , is not concerned with the truth or falsity of religious beliefs , and that it rather counteracts the earlier arguments about religious beliefs being neither justified by sense experience nor rational arguments .
8 At the same time the West German government stated its suspicions that the Chilean government was concealing deeds occurring in the colony and that it thus shared responsibility for " the reported tortures , maltreatment and denial of personal liberties " said to be taking place there .
9 I think myself that this was the case , and that it scarcely makes him very different from many other hard-working people .
10 It is to fail in other words , to understand that literature can not simply be reduced to ideology , that literature has its own specificity , and that it consequently " reflects " the social process in a highly complex and mediated form .
11 It 's so easy to keep clean that and that it only wants wiping over , you know .
12 The Polish government 's statistical office believes that the output of private industry ( excluding farming ) grew by 50% over the past year , and that it now accounts for 18% of national income , up from 11% in 1989 .
13 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
14 In a press conference in Rabat on Aug. 14 Hakim said that the attitude of the Algerian government , and specifically of Defence Minister Khalid Nezzar , had changed , and that it now recommended that a " rapid settlement " with Morocco be found .
15 The company says that overseas royalties it has earned on behalf of the authors , artists and publishers it represents have increased five-fold in the last three years , and that it currently licenses its properties in 25 countries .
16 These results indicate that TCR- β is necessary to generate a thymus with the wild-type number of cells , and that it alone can lift the blockade imposed by the RAG-1 mutation in this respect .
17 WG claims that it overpaid for Alkar by almost £2m , and that it subsequently poured £11.2m into the company in an attempt to rescue it .
18 Now scientists are saying that the land itself is foreign and that it too has travelled vast distances across ancient oceans — at the rate of some 25 cm a year .
19 Romania 's Foreign Ministry had said on Jan. 18 that the organization had " lost its raison d'être " , and that it too favoured its dissolution .
20 We know that it still has a poll tax element , that it will still need a register , and that it still does not relate to the ability to pay .
21 On Oct. 1 , the head of the sixth IAEA inspection team , David Kay , said in Bahrain that Iraq would have developed a nuclear weapon within 18 months had the Gulf war not intervened , and that it still possessed the technology to manufacture a nuclear weapon within five years .
22 It is a clear indication of the quality of Vic Rouse 's goalkeeping ability that he succeeded the great Roy Bailey between the Palace posts , then went on to set up a club record 238 Football League goalkeeping appearances ( since exceeded only by the invincible John Jackson ) , and that it then took another goalkeeper destined for the 1st Division in Bill Glazier to oust him .
23 The onus is on writing as a medium to demonstrate that it is capable of forms of communication which are impossible in the oral media , and that it therefore still has a place in contemporary society .
24 The court ruled that there was sufficient evidence for a sixth charge , of complicity in the execution of seven Jewish hostages in 1944 , but that this was not a crime against humanity since it was not part of a " methodical extermination plan " , and that it therefore fell under a 20-year statute of limitations for the prosecution of " ordinary " war crimes .
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