Example sentences of "and [that] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had time in the wilderness when my form was not good and that taught me a few lessons .
2 Staying was the point ; they stayed there with her and that enabled her to stay there with them .
3 They just gave him a slap on the wrist then and that enabled him to go out and kill my husband .
4 ‘ We knew well in advance when the Subject Assessors would be visiting Wester Hailes , and that enabled us to prepare the staff . ’
5 I noticed his saying in a magazine interview that he could never have survived these past few years without the help of Fleet Street — and that struck me as an unusually candid confession for a politician .
6 And that struck us and the families of the hostages as a quite extraordinary thing to do .
7 The purpose of John 's Gospel is clearly set out : Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples , which are not written in his book ; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God , and that believing you may have life in his name . "
8 In truth she could n't afford to antagonise him , and that angered her still more .
9 I holed a good putt for a birdie at the first hole and that set me up , ’ she said .
10 ‘ Then the telephone rang , ’ said Jordan , ‘ and that set us back on our heels .
11 And that followed his special delivery at White Hart Lane last month , when he netted twice in a 2-0 Coventry win .
12 So he stole a big A2 flip chart from work — the council has lots — and that sorted everything out .
13 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
14 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
15 Then a businessman asked whether he should buy this and that stock his broker had recommended on the sly , and — after a moment of concentration — Kruger gave him the word to hold off , presumably making a mental note to sweep the market himself .
16 ‘ Bardolet 's co-driver made a timing error on the last rally which dropped them from first to fourth and that cost them the lead in the championship , ’ explains Meeke .
17 Jackson , who earned a total of £40,000 , said : ‘ I was pedestrian away from the blocks and that cost me vital hundredths of a second .
18 He said and that cost me he looked round , twenty two pound .
19 McKibben had appeared on TV last week escorting the coffin of terror boss Jimmy Brown — and that cost him his life .
20 Erm , can I say that it 's only last year that we organised that video for secured car parks , and employed a blooming outside presenter to do it , and that cost us twelve thousand quid , and that were at Derby and they made an excellent bloody video of it did n't they ?
21 ‘ Then he 'd tell you to go and get another canvas and that cost you three and six .
22 And that end you would do well to have had in mind from the very beginning .
23 Of course , life was n't really like that , but the advertisers want us to believe it was , and that eating their product will help us recapture the feeling — and the taste .
24 The new raw brick had a cold , Methodist-like aspect and that discouraged him , he said .
25 The following extract is exactly as written : ‘ When I tell you that something you use every day could be put to better use — and that using it better could help you to win greater influence , more respect and higher status , promotion and a larger income … it could widen your circle of friends and possibly even secure you fame and power — you might well be curious to know what that ‘ something ’ is …
26 We need to be aware that this approach has a strong emotional appeal and that using it involves taking responsibility and guiding these emotions , once engaged .
27 From Asmar 's reports , I knew that some of them were into arms trafficking as well as dope and that meant they had to have close ties with Syrian-supported terrorist groups like the PFLP — GC .
28 And that meant them moving over .
29 And that meant everything to him …
30 JOHN Williams ( centre ) somehow gets in his header before the leaping Spurs defence — and that meant his third goal against the Londoners this season .
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