Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In bites and stings if the creature is known to be poisonous or the person is known to react badly to such bites or stings .
2 If they last , Phillips believes that joint ventures may hold the answer and thinks that the new shareholders who will take stakes after the existing owners are forced to divest themselves of 51% of ITN could provide the answer .
3 Celia is easy-going about her sitters , and thinks that the English are not particularly vain when it comes to portraits : ‘ I find people are often very nervous about how they look , and not at all arrogant .
4 Participants in the Inter-Company Collaboration for AIDS Drug Development will share relevant information and supplies when a drug reaches phase II clinical testing , the point at which the drug 's safety profile is known and preliminary tests are under way on efficacy .
5 The implications are that Keegan has received the go-ahead to spend , after last week suffering the embarrassment of telling transfer targets he had no money to complete the deals he 'd agreed , and guarantees that a boardroom battle will be averted .
6 Dr Conway Morris has always said there could be other ways to make sense of Hallucigenia , and agrees that the new interpretation may be better .
7 Chapter 5 , on the New Testament ( DV 17–20 ) , likewise partly consists of rather conventional summaries ; but it does deal , firmly yet flexibly , with questions of the historicity of the Gospels , and agrees that the development of the Gospel tradition was influenced by oral transmission and preaching ( for allowing which , responsible scholars had been accused of heresy ) .
8 He issues an encyclical saying hard drugs should be made cheaply available to addicts to cut out the mobsters , and insists that every child ought to be a wanted child .
9 It is a weakness in Dunn 's useful book Baptism in the Holy Spirit that he sweeps aside these dozen or so references to the Spirit in the first three chapters of Luke and insists that the kingdom did not come until the baptism of Jesus .
10 The convention establishes procedures for the transport and disposal of toxic waste , and insists that the country for which the waste is intended should agree to receive it before it leaves port — an effort to avoid incidents such as the 1988 voyage from port to port of the Karin B. Environmentalists have criticized the convention for its lack of " teeth " — enforcement is left to individual countries — and for its lack of precision on what constitutes acceptable disposal standards .
11 Colitis occurs in the defunctioned colon after diversion of the faecal flow and subsides when the faecal flow is replaced .
12 These include statements of general and specific aims , learning experiences , various forms of knowledge and areas of experience ( e.g. the cognitive-based analysis of Hirst and Peters and the HMI areas discussed earlier ) , skills , and modes of expression ( verbal and non-verbal ) .
13 Rehearsals save you being embarrassed in the meeting by broken light bulbs , out of focus films , a speaker half an hour late because he could n't find anywhere to park , and shrieks and howls as the public address system does its best to drown the speaker .
14 From a clump of bushes came snarls and howls as the pack fought a losing battle against three hyena which had stolen their freshly-killed impala .
15 About six feet below them they could hear thumps and scrapes as the luckless Stim dug his way down into the darkness .
16 A little later Speedbird 486B did us the flavour of relaying our intentions to Bilbao , and we were given a routing via the standard reporting points November One and November and holds while the British Airways flight landed there .
17 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
18 European general manager Barry Betts hints darkly that Microsoft has great plans for a combination of NT and FoxBase , and wonders whether the current compatibility problems will ever be sold , Xbase or not .
19 Moore ( 1988 ) discusses the advisory paper and concludes that the UKCC clearly acknowledge the role of the profession , together with the Statutory Bodies , in defining acceptable ethical standards , but it remains the responsibility of the individual nurse to set standards through practice .
20 Walmsley looks at several possible explanations and concludes that the change is largely due to the Act itself , firstly in the simple sense that the passing of the 1967 Act brought to an end a trial period of uncertainty for the police by making quite clear that , although in the future homosexual acts in private between consenting adults were to be legal , such acts in ‘ public ’ as defined by the Act were not .
21 In its latest edition , Microprocessor Report has compared the various superscalar architectures now on offer and concludes that the ‘ relatively conservative , partitioned approach to superscalar implementation has a clock rate advantage over the more aggressive duplicated-resource approach : the highest clock-rate designs are the 21064 ( DEC 's Alpha ) , 7100 ( Hewlett-Packard Co new PA-RISC iteration ) , and HyperSparc ( assuming Cypress/Ross achieves its 80MHz goal ) .
22 Snodgrass ( 1963 ) agrees with the earlier views of Hanstrom ( 1928 ) and concludes that the protocerebrum , deutocerebrum and antennae are derivatives of an anterior , non-segmented blastocephalon , followed by four of the segments ( premandibular to labial ) recognized above .
23 He then quotes the entry corresponding to the year 839 ( 838 according to Husameddin ) from the chronological list in Nuruosmaniye 3080 concerning the death of " sultan al- " ulema Muhammad Shah Pasha " and concludes that the person concerned is in fact Molla Fenari himself and not his son , thus arriving at 838/1434–5 as the correct death date for Molla Fenari .
24 example A thesis which investigates made-up words ( which resemble slips of the tongue ) in Joyce 's Finnegans Wake , compares literary theoretical approaches with experimental psychological approaches , and concludes that the psychological approaches undermine the validity of the literary theoretical approaches .
25 Our Lord is teaching in these parables and encounters that the pursuit of wealth can so easily become an obstacle to entering the Kingdom .
26 The patent for the vellum process was granted to James Edwards on 28 January 1785 , in London , and specifies that the parts of the skin to be decorated must be soaked in a solution of pearl ash and pressed .
27 It is receiving its first coat of Olive Green paint and stands where no steam locomotive has stood for over 25 years .
28 Additionally , he abhors the misuse of punishment , and emphasises that the punishment must be just , and the horse must understand why it is being punished .
29 However , the report also warns against a big switch to more ‘ worthy ’ youth programmes , and emphasises that the station should remain a mass audience service built around music .
30 So much of professional life is spent in the competitive atmosphere of interviews and auditions that a chance to work on themselves constructively and together is something actors relish .
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