Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 This is doing me no good at all whereas it seems to be all me and my wife it 's but like we went to court , Mr and Mrs who were equally involved in it
2 My Lords , I found a very interesting er aspect in the Royal College of Nursing 's review was that resources were not the issue , the Royal College itself came down in favour of the fact that it was management that needed to be tightened up and My Lords it was interesting looking at that survey that it was a telephone survey and in one of the two hospitals er one or two of the hospitals that were rung up , it was quite difficult to find the person who 'd answered the survey .
3 My parents are going to France at Christmas and erm I do n't wan na go with them really and nor does Digby so he , Digby 's gon na come and stay just for a bit and my house it has to be empty and Foxy 's coming round to stay .
4 His saying something he totally meant , and my feeling it .
5 Between that and my back and my knees it 's
6 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
7 yes but I think when you look at how it 's structured and whether it 's modular structure and its content it 's got to be written that it will be United Kingdom exportable not merely
8 Now the Presbyterian Church as the Church of Scotland enjoys a unique place in Scottish life and its structures it has a privileged place but I would suggest to you it has also therefore a number of responsibilities and one , I would suggest in this case , is to try and ensure that these local regional teams are in place .
9 After two or three days of exploring Stanley and its environs it was time to go to ‘ camp ’ ( from a Spanish word ‘ campos ’ meaning countryside ) and our tour of the islands took us to the three or four places equipped to deal with small parties of visitors .
10 In confusing its compliments and its complements it is not alone , but there was more .
11 For Bolivia and its miners it means the loss of hard fought for democratic rights and freedoms and the emergence of a new era of lawlessness , inequality and poverty .
12 Stare me straight in the teeth And I 'm sure you 'll agree I 've got a high class pedigree I do n't gie' a monkey 's for the world and its wife It 's a dog 's life !
13 Lorentz might have been very aware that he was an actor , but for Hollywood and its audiences it was Muni 's acting that made the whole ‘ job ’ permissible , acceptable , intelligible , bearable , and successful .
14 Although this amounts to a transformation of theory and its object it is not clear in what sense it is an epistemological break .
15 It has proposed a community-based programme of punishment but in order to sell this to both the judiciary and its supporters it has constructed around it a rhetoric of toughness .
16 Julie had bathed on the previous evening and in view of this and her discomfort it was agreed that shaving and skin preparation would be carried out in theatre .
17 If such a change does take place for Amanda and her family it 'll be seven years after time .
18 Despite a reference to the full accounts and their availability it did not , however , explicitly indicate that they had received an unqualified audit report .
19 While this book is primarily about the various methods social workers can develop in work with elderly clients and their families it is necessary to first explore a number of major theoretical issues which bear on practice as follows :
20 I hardly dare mention traffic calming but it does seem to be the flavour of of the month at the moment but to see that the existing work doubled by and I know it 's going to cost the county erm this but if you do n't want to talk about the children and their crime it is er traffic calming it certainly is a and I do believe
21 But his conscience it may fail him and his heart it may give way ,
22 If we think about Freud and his influence it is not hard to find out what he wrote and said , and it is easy to guess that it must have been important .
23 For him and his team it was the night of the microscopes .
24 Such a picture — derived essentially from the earlier atomist Democritus — may seem bleak to some , but to Epicurus and his followers it was productive of the calm ataraxia he valued .
25 Three years ago that happened and his nose it 's still like that .
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