Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to Antony the Devil came to tempt and torture him in a variety of fantastical forms from lascivious women to wild beasts .
2 The effectiveness usually lasts for some weeks , but is variable , depending largely on the amount of new growth being produced , and therefore the rate at which the toxic content is being diluted , and the speed of living — called the metabolic rate — which affects the rate at which the plant is able to break down and divest itself of what after all is a ‘ foreign body ’ .
3 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
4 He had practiced putting on his kitchen floor at home during the winter to try and prepare himself for the greens .
5 He conquered him so completely that the man now housed him , clothed , fed and supported him and used every spare minute to coach and prepare him for some as yet unrevealed greatness .
6 For now , the Strongs wil just have to wait and prepare themselves for the next weekend that Purcell comes home .
7 The change-over day from one occupancy to the next was on a Saturday , when our admirable Jane Jones arrived to clean and prepare it for the next lot .
8 Had Furlanetto done his homework on the great singers of the past , simply in order to try and absorb something of the tradition in double-quick time ?
9 I just do n't see how you can kiss and cuddle me in the department when nothing at all is going on between us , and then just as soon as there is , you switch it all off like a blasted tap ! ’
10 The effects of the Great Depression and a renewed possibility of war in Europe in the 1930s made most Americans all the more determined to isolate and insulate themselves from the quarrels and atavism of the nations of Europe .
11 No wonder she did n't want to stay on and make something of herself . ’
12 Eunice : Well , why do n't you just go and make yourself at home till they get back ?
13 ‘ Well , I 'll just go and make one for me and Jake .
14 ‘ I suppose I could try and make them like me , ’ Jessamy said doubtfully .
15 We 'll try and make it in the morning .
16 Right , I got a cheque in my pocket made out to pay cash so she said you can go in and cash it on the counter .
17 When I was scared in the middle of the night at home , I 'd lie and comfort myself by talking in whispers to Somebody .
18 In the face of thumb joints with developing arthritis , I decided to lash out and treat myself to a Silver Reed punching machine , PM10 .
19 Yeah I I might go and treat myself to some today .
20 I hope I can encourage the uninitiated to go out and treat themselves to several for their Christmas stocking as well as see the value of videos as a valid support technique during the long winter evenings ahead .
21 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
22 We can help you devise the scheme you need to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way , to reward your employees without overstraining your cashflow or profits , and our specialists will come and explain everything to your employees .
23 With the weight of John 's head slowly reducing one leg to numbness , I decided to try and explain it to myself .
24 Can you go and explain it to Mrs when she 's finished talking to Christopher ?
25 ‘ I thought I 'd ring and congratulate you on managing at last to see what some of us have been going on about for all these years . ’
26 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to write and congratulate you on your recent success in the Best Kept Village Competition where you won the award for the Best Kept Farm .
27 She always accompanied her unpackings by such comments , always with the same indignant implication that the grocers did their best to defraud and anger her with every item .
28 We shall attempt to apply and adapt them to a much shorter viewing distance , under controlled laboratory conditions .
29 The merit of this , as we have seen , is that we are led to examine the ways in which this ‘ objective ’ economic class comes to persist and reproduce itself as a self-consciously ‘ lived ’ social entity .
30 One important Communist still eluding capture was Jose Weibel , Secretary General of the Young Communists , and the Joint Command decided to try and locate him through his brother Ricardo , a bus driver .
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