Example sentences of "and [subord] [noun pl] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The orthodox Jews are the only community in this country where sex is on women 's terms , and where women can truthfully say that they are not used by their husbands .
2 In Scotland , where parent power in schools is further ahead than in England and Wales , and where parents will have the right to select headteachers or dismiss members of the teaching staff , as well as influencing the general policy of the school , many parents expressed their doubts about adopting such a role when the new school year started in 1987 .
3 Expressed is an alienation , too great distancing between the work and where decisions can be made .
4 MROs worked in close association with librarians to develop library resource centres of an active kind where pupils could make use of whatever format most suited them and their enquiry problems , and where teachers could find materials , equipment , catalogues , guidance and practical assistance .
5 In addition to informal chat about how things were going and where improvements could be made , staff were required , and parents were invited , to write a brief evaluative comment about each shared activity .
6 The solution , as it evolved in practice , was to argue for a sort of grand amalgam , almost a fit of good feeling , in which war would be ended and hostages exchanged and where men would tenderly understand each other .
7 The importance of the registered office is that it is the address where writs may be served on the company and where communications may be sent .
8 What , after all , could be wrong with providing at least some good schools in the inner cities , to which parents would be committed and where pupils would have to keep their heads down and work , on pain of being thrown out ?
9 and although things may not be brilliant for , in the workplace at the moment , but we 're we 're making a move , we 're getting a , a foot in there .
10 Economics , sociology , mathematics , law and accounting were suggested as the essential subjects , and although colleges could provide liberal studies also , ‘ we would stress the importance we attach to a liberal treatment of the whole curriculum ’ .
11 Treatment : The usual prescription for these problems is glasses or contact lenses and although babies can wear them , parents are often advised to wait and see if the problem corrects itself .
12 And although tractors could do the work in a fraction of the time , the shire horses have advantages too .
13 In rural areas it might be that people will tell the parents of youths whom they see committing some offence ; and although crimes may be committed they will often be dealt with informally and so will not figure in the criminal statistics .
14 ( b ) They are essentially personal , and although historians may try to be objective and impartial they can not free themselves entirely from their own ideas about people and the world , their personal likes and dislikes , and the assumptions and values of the age in which they live .
15 Firms will develop their own implementations of the environment and although applications will look the same on machines from each of the vendors , they will not be portable .
16 But , gentlemen , of this I am certain , the Conservative Party has been a good thing for this country and it is our business today , and as long as we can , to keep that Party solid ; and if splits must come , to delay them as long as we possibly can ( Applause ) .
17 In short , if life was always harder in the inner cities than elsewhere , and if conditions may temporarily have been alleviated by the impact of the welfare state and rising incomes , the last decade has been widely represented as a period of deterioration .
18 Nevertheless , the scheme by which claims are made and paid is governed by that framework , and if parties can not resolve their differences , litigation ensues .
19 6 Check any technical points in advance and if mistakes could be made make sure an expert is present .
20 But there 's a procedure and the procedure , our stewards recognized that the procedure was there to be effectively operated and if words can resolve a problem , and that 's how we became trained in the situation affecting all our members .
21 And if ion-winds can also be detected from the stars , their vastly greater distances should give even higher magnifications .
22 IF JAPANESE companies no longer depend on banks for their finance , and if banks will soon no longer provide such a generous service in dealing with bankruptcy by socialising credit risks , might Japan soon have the symptoms of America and Britain : hostile takeovers and arms-length corporate governance ?
23 And if officials can not realistically be relegated to a purely reflex role , what of their goals ?
24 Because few of us possess universal skills , we learn to value one another 's and to look for the unexpected amongst our colleagues ( the music teacher who is a professional photographer , the lab technician skilled in electronics ) ; and because teachers must necessarily concentrate mostly on what is pre-eminently their task , the design and communication of learning experiences , we value those para-professionals able to concentrate on related areas , such as the production of resources from our basic design , and the collection and organization of recorded information and communication in all formats .
25 However , this seems to have largely failed , perhaps because of inferior purchasing power and because wholesalers must try to make their independent retailing members behave like variety multiples , using voluntary means .
26 And because patients can get up and exercise right after the operation , the muscles never have a chance to stiffen up . ’
27 I am grateful for my right hon. Friend 's statement because it demonstrates the Government 's commitment to a better equipped fleet for the future , even though the fleet manpower is contracting , and because jobs will be provided in the Portsmouth travel-to-work area .
28 Traditional methods seem unlikely to be useful , mainly due to the ambiguity of an original character string to compare with , and because algorithms may reach explosive and counter-productive proportions if many original candidate strings are used .
29 Thus the soignee appearance of Cresson and other French women politicians blazes a torch and tells others that , while everyone is mortal and while women may have many cards stacked against them , it is possible to face up to the worst as well as the best .
30 But the state , from this point of view , is a nebulous entity ; and while men may choose to give their allegiance to it , it is to the government that they are required to give their obedience .
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