Example sentences of "and [v-ing] her [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although she says that it was not necessarily an easy step to take , her community was behind her , and the reactions she has had from friends and teachers have convinced her that the step she took was an important one , challenging stereotypes in the West about what it means to be a Muslim girl , and bringing her a great sense of identity and of no longer being at odds with herself .
2 But he denies harassing Miss Donna Van Den Berghen , 21 , by putting his arm around her , touching her breasts and giving her a bear hug in front of colleagues .
3 ‘ Of course , that 's it , chérie , ’ said Lapointe , putting an arm round the fräulein and giving her a squeeze .
4 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
5 If it had not been for Elizabeth taking her in off the streets and giving her a home , then Tilly 's own life would have been empty .
6 To head off a tantrum , try squirting a shot of washing-up liquid into a beaker , adding a bit of water and giving her a drinking straw to blow bubbles with .
7 ‘ Where did you think I was going ? ’ he asked , turning her around and giving her a little push .
8 All you have to do , Laura , is to tell him that you love him , ’ she 'd added , putting her arms around her old friend and giving her a hug .
9 He seemed to have forgotten the traumatic revelations of the previous evening , smiling and giving her a peck on the cheek as he left .
10 On winged feet Virginia was beside her , slipping her arm beneath Lucy 's and round the other girl 's back , and giving her a reassuring hug , ‘ Come on , come and lie down in my room ; I 'll ring Dr Newne … ’
11 And I remember running into the ward where I had been treated , finding one of the nurses who had looked after me and giving her a big hug and her crying .
12 He was still talking as he propelled her through the door and back along the corridor towards the exit , barely pausing for breath , and giving her no chance at all to interrupt .
13 Meredith pulled back in alarm , but his hand slid up her spine to cradle her head , immobilising it and making her an easy prey .
14 The Movement came to her aid by sending her on a secretarial course and finding her a part-time job with a City accountant .
15 ‘ Not all that big , ’ Mungo said , sitting down beside her and showing her the golden ball .
16 I had to keep calling to her and whistling and showing her the chick .
17 ‘ She bit me last night , ’ he said , dragging up his trouser-leg and showing her the line of tiny red marks .
18 Ca n't you see that I would be better off with you than going to Elizabeth and telling her the truth ? ’
19 Grainne stood very still , although she did not close her eyes , for to do so in here , with a creature , a something that was watching from the shadowy corners and grinning and copying her every move , was not to be thought of .
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