Example sentences of "and [v-ing] he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He had pulled her down with him into the whirlpool of love , and now that she was submerged and drowning he had left her , escaping through the cloaking mist that hung over the water .
2 Colour flooded her cheeks as she realised he was accusing her of posing and denying he had had anything to do with it .
3 He had never made a secret of what he wanted from her , and pretending he enjoyed her company , pretending he wanted to laugh with her or show her his favourite places in Rome , was n't part of it .
4 The noise from the shore was much greater : a familiar hiss and booming he had heard often before with a big tide on the make , but muffled now because of the deafening sound of the wind .
5 The poor dog seemed to know all about it , for in fear and trembling he waited behind his master , hanging his tail most ignobly .
6 After eight years practising and perfecting he sent off for a plan and made his own Appalachian dulcimer — and it was better than the one he was given .
7 He was still doing it over an hour later , frantically trying to remember everything and wishing he had somewhere to write it all down , when there was a sound of feet running up the stairs .
8 She thought of him , of how he must feel now , mourning his dead sister and wishing he had had some last word from her ; and then , how she would give him Mrs Gotobed 's message , to comfort him .
9 The electric commuter trains rattled past at frequent intervals while Nails mooched impatiently up and down , kicking an old tin can and wishing he did n't have to be dependent on a girl .
10 She had been looking forward to this moment , for it promised a long-sought revenge : a revenge not only against her husband for the bitterness and suffering he had caused her , but also against the harlot , Hannah Gristy , whose lithe body and brazen looks had tempted young Gregory into fornication nearly forty years before , and of whom this insolent little slut was so painful a reminder .
11 Soon , however , he was confronted with the ‘ actualities of war ’ during a visit to a casualty hospital , and the bullet-holed limbs and suffering he witnessed there helped purge him of such studied hauteur .
12 David Sieff asked us all to join in drinking Robin 's health , to which Robin replied in two sentences welcoming everyone and saying he hoped we would all come to his 100th birthday party !
13 He suggested the striker was lacking in desire , suggesting he had gone missing during the game against United , and saying he had not been the same since playing for England against Turkey a fortnight ago .
14 Then she telephoned Eliot at home and after that was about to leave when Shildon came , apologetic and saying he had met somebody who had delayed him .
15 And knowing he 'd gone a bit too far , and glad enough , now his fright and anger were fading , to have faced down Lachlan 's temper and Farquhar 's knife unharmed , Duncan Rua was satisfied to grin back , and turn aside to work the ship .
16 Photographs and recollections confirm that in features and colouring he resembled his mother .
17 And assuming he found him — what then ?
18 Coleridge — mercurial , brilliant , and prodigiously well read — opened to Poole the world of thought and learning he had longed to discover since boyhood .
19 In each of the robberies the raider handed over notes demanding cash and claiming he had a gun .
20 We thought he was wasting his time after all the hard work and studying he had done , ’ says Brian Gedge .
21 In the bedlam of yelling and barking he danced from one foot to the other in a brief breathless panic .
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