Example sentences of "and [subord] this [be] " in BNC.

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1 In particular its authority should be recognized to the extent necessary to enable it to secure goals , which individuals have reason to secure , for which social co-ordination is necessary or helpful , and where this is the most promising way of achieving them .
2 The first , purely spatial method groups eruptions according to the shape of the volcanic vent and where this is situated relative to the volcanic edifice as a whole , while the second depends on the character of the eruption itself , and the nature of the deposits it produces .
3 The rail will be butted up against the sides of the wardrobe , and where this is n't the case , end stops prevent disaster .
4 First , a great many of the cases in this area of the law are concerned with industrial strife of one kind or another and where this is so the common law has been excluded or modified since 1906 by statutory immunities granted to persons acting in a ‘ trade dispute . ’
5 In some industries there are already well established titles and where this is the case , such titles may be used .
6 In some cases these are taken directly from the text , and where this is not directly possible some suggestions are made .
7 As a general policy the University expects all its departments and faculties to be rated highly in terms of their research , and where this is not the case has reviewed , and will continue to review , the position to see how research standing can be improved .
8 CPD is obligatory ( but not ‘ mandatory ’ — a fine distinction ) for members of the Institution of Structural Engineers and although this is self monitored , CPD diaries are examined on transfer to a higher class of membership .
9 And although this is conjecture , I feel it should be mentioned , if only because the primal mother-child relationship so highly emphasised in post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature has been largely ignored by those who have written about anorexia nervosa .
10 There may be a lot of anxiety , guilt , anger , or desperation locked away and although this is often painful to expose , therapeutic progress is unlikely to be made until openness is achieved .
11 Tropical waterlilies are often grown from seed and although this is a tedious process , it is also where new varieties are developed .
12 You do n't have to be a historian to know a pretty flower when you see one , and although this is not intended to be a text book — there is more than enough literature available to fulfil that function — I do suggest that your enjoyment of roses can be enhanced by knowing just a little about the many different kinds , and such matters as why they are cultivated in certain ways , why they are pruned , and so on — and to see a strange word , and know what it means !
13 The driving force behind the transactional approach with which we undertake a study of the fans is , of course , Howard Becker , and although this is not the place to enter into a long discussion of his contribution to a more radical sociology , some brief attention must be given to his work ( Becker , 1963 ) .
14 Indeed , 22.4 per cent of the migrants could be defined as return migrants ( Shaw , 1984 ) and although this is n't as high as the 30 to 40 per cent rates recorded in north Norway ( Nicholson , 1975 ) it is much higher than the 5.5 per cent found in northwest Ireland ( Foeken , 1980 ) , and very different from the situation in northern Scotland where Jones et al .
15 Harp Lager have been trying to attract English horses and although this is never easy I 'm sure that if the right money was available , then the barriers would come down .
16 Care should be taken here because it was the wording of SOGIT 1973 which was considered , and although this is substantially similar to the 1977 Act , it is , in some respects , different .
17 Said Taylor : ‘ I see this as part of David 's natural development and although this is a one-off there is every chance of him taking it on if he is still in the side when Stuart is no longer with us . ’
18 In 1902 he founded the Public Schools Alpine Sports Club and although this was snobbishly restricted to those who had been to a British public school , the club was instrumental in establishing winter sports as a popular type of holiday .
19 They heard the river before they saw it , if seeing is the word ; and although this was daunting to most , sounding as though it was running high with the rain , the scouts assured that the noise was actually caused by the shallows of the ford area , where the water was more disturbed .
20 The evaluators found that in some schools library committees had become moribund , and although this was often blamed on industrial action , some people did seem to have lost interest once they had received and spent their grant .
21 In the 1970 election the Tories received the votes of 33.2 per cent of the electorate ( as against 36.4 per cent for Labour in 1966 ) , and although this was enough to give them a safe parliamentary majority , it did not reflect massive and determined popular support for the ‘ Selsdon ’ programme of trade union reform plus ‘ rolling back of the frontiers of government ’ ( the promised direct tax cuts were popular , but that does not prove much ) .
22 Another difficulty is that a third of Asian patients disappeared from contact with services , and although this was not considered statistically significant , in percentage terms they had the highest attrition rate of the three groups .
23 Having done so , we found a twofold difference in the recurrence rates between the ursodeoxycholic acid treated and placebo treated patients and although this was not statistically significant , these data , when coupled with the results of the Italian and Spanish studies suggest that ursodeoxycholic acid reduces and probably delays , but does not prevent , gall stone recurrence .
24 Stitches may be necessary to close a gaping cut , and if this is not done a permanent scar may result .
25 He was collecting for over forty years and , as Miller was a regular recipient of Bartram 's shipments , it can be assumed that ‘ a large proportion of plants credited to Miller as introducer consisted of collections by Bartram and if this is true he was probably responsible for the first appearance in the gardens of England of between one hundred and fifty and two hundred plants ’ ( John Hendley Barnhart , ‘ Significance of John Bartram 's Work to Botanical and Horticultural Knowledge ’ , Bartonia Special Issue , 1931 ) .
26 And if this is not done the repair bill will escalate dramatically .
27 A person will not breathe , nor will his heart beat , without a functioning brain-stem ; and if this is destroyed , he will never recover the ability to do so , since , once destroyed , brain cells do not regenerate .
28 The basis for all these conclusions seems to be that because there are bad comprehensive schools the system must be abandoned ( and if this is not the intention it is likely to be the secondary education for all , which led to the establishment of comprehensive schools in the first place , has , it seems , to be given up in favour of ‘ good ’ education for some and ‘ bad ’ for others , the ‘ good ’ now being variously identified with the rigorous , the vocational , and the wealth-producing .
29 There are a lot of positive aspects to retirement , but there is a negative side too , and if this is not discussed and given a proper airing , it can go bad , and ruin the rest of life .
30 Many older people have never had a satisfactory sexual relationship , for a variety of reasons , and if this is so there is no reason to believe that the period of old age is likely to see new beginnings in this respect .
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