Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These included the non-payment of military arrears , the excise tax , the slowness and excessive centralization of justice , tithes , and hanging for theft .
2 ‘ Would you rather I turned up in my paint-stained jeans and smelling of turpentine ? ’
3 They sat on staircases to talk about poetry or politics , and many of them smoked long thin cigarettes rolled in dark brown paper and smelling of perfume .
4 She had found one months later under the vegetable rack , shrunk to the size of a nut , dark wizened brown , and smelling of cider .
5 A few steps past the skips brings you to the lift , an aluminium cell sticky with spit and sweets and smelling of disinfectant .
6 She has also a teething baby , pinched and veined and smelling of milk .
7 She comes up gasping , the air warm about her face , hair dank and smelling of mud as her feet touch the bottom , sinking into its softness .
8 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
9 Chimbote was a dreadful place , litter everywhere and smelling to hell of oil .
10 ‘ No , no , not a word , ’ said Joseph , trembling and blushing with terror .
11 The Errol Flynn looks crumbled with age , and the man whose strike rate in first-class cricket was better than O'Reilly 's , Mailey 's or Grimmett 's entered the twilight world of trampdom under the bridges of the Yarra , drinking meths and fossicking for food in garbage-bins .
12 Ungainly and waddling on land , swans swim gracefully , taking off from the water with ponderous flapping to sail majestically through the air .
13 The boy was so far from being ill-used or closely confined that he apparently lived a normal life , at least within the walls , going and coming much as he pleased , and eating in hall like a member of the household .
14 What , how you 're doing , doing a conversation at home cooking dinner , working and eating in office , serving a customer in a shop , in a car or a bus a train , out shopping with a friend , in a pub
15 However , tests on the effects of a variety of conservation measures , including the incorporation of grass strips in cultivated maize fields and mulching with leaf litter from undisturbed forest , showed that the latter was particularly effective and reduced erosion by more than 90 per cent while , due to the nutrient input , productivity was increased by c. 30 per cent .
16 Fig 4 is chenille woven on to a backing of Bramwell Silky using the same design as Fig 1 and knitting at tension 6 .
17 Already , independent specialist consultants are helping farmers by walking fields and assisting with advice for strategies of control .
18 ‘ assisting our client with all aspects of the transaction- assessing the prospects for sale — identifying likely purchasers — ‘ packing ’ the business for sale — marketing the opportunity — selecting potential purchasers -advising on deal structure and assisting in negotiation and contract drafting . ’
19 The product development venture , SunSolutions , a new moon circling Sun Technology Enterprises , last week debuted its first product , ShowMe , its computer conference software : based on Open Look , it says it can be deployed for on-line meetings and collaborating on compound documents in real-time over a TCP/IP net work .
20 Recoup is working on these problems and collaborating with Reprise International Plastics Recycling Ltd which is making a substantial investment in a plant to clean and separate plastics .
21 creating opportunities and providing conditions in which teachers can spend more time working together , sharing problems , commenting on each others ' performance , and collaborating in curriculum planning .
22 Nowadays most computers have several methods by which an operand may be specified : we have met direct addressing and indexing in Chapter 1 , and the other methods are discussed in Chapter 4 .
23 I could n't look as I stood helplessly at the top of stairs listening to him bumping and thudding from step to step until he reached the bottom .
24 This is overcome by cutting a slightly ‘ loose ’ joint and lashing with nylon cord .
25 The impulse previously contained or harnessed in the work setting becomes dangerous and inhibiting in bed when there is no alternative outlet .
26 Mr Talbott talked of building up a relationship , of advocacy at the IMF , of encouraging private-sector capital and helping with privatisation .
27 She gained her Queen 's Award after spending two years working on several community projects including talking to young people about drug abuse and helping with conservation .
28 promoting continence and helping with bowel problems
29 Together with other Library staff , responsible for reader assistance and helping with reader enquiries .
30 Living in camps , they carried out conservation work , planting new forests and helping with flood control projects .
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