Example sentences of "and [vb base] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They germinate easily and develop plants which should be transferred into a tank , where the water level can be raised gradually until they are large enough , i.e. about 4ins ( 18cms ) high , to be planted in the aquarium .
2 … [ first ] to flower in the open air is the Cinnamon which is immediately followed by the Damask Rose , then the Blush , York and Lancaster come ; after which the Provence , Dutch Hundred-leaved , White and most other sorts of Roses follow ; and the latest sorts are the Virginia and Musk roses which , if planted in a shady situation , seldom flower until September ; and if the autumn proves mild will continue often until the middle of October
3 Sometimes , he can go too far ; he may be anxious to make a sale and make statements which are simply untrue in an effort to try to induce you to buy the product .
4 The loggers build roads through the jungle to reach the trees and bring diseases which the Indians have no defences against which kill them .
5 Also some TV sets are confused by the fudged signal and display pictures which are either too small or unstable .
6 It is intended to provide household water to 30 million people , and irrigate crops which could feed 20 million , as well as generating large quantities of hydro-electric power .
7 Also of great interest are the ledgers and account books which give details of production costs , actors ' and technicians ' salaries , box-office takings and general running costs .
8 Our personal medicine stock , we note , contains diarrhoea and migraine treatments which contravene IOC regulations .
9 And it means that when we cook and eat puddings we can do so wholeheartedly .
10 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
11 We have over a million shooters and hunt supporters who used their vote .
12 The reason why Lieberson is doubtful about the control variable approach is the selectivity processes are probably operating within the control variables themselves and involve factors which affect the dependent variable but in unmeasured ways .
13 Family relationships are more complicated and involve patterns which have become an intrinsic part of the relationship .
14 It is simply demand and supply pressures which determine the appropriate exchange rate for each currency .
15 ‘ Last time we were here , ’ Athelstan quipped , ‘ you warned me , Sir John , not to open my mouth and say things I was not bidden to .
16 There is a very clear , clean cut approach to the whole collection with the accent on strong graphics and sports oriented motifs to create renewed interest in the ‘ contemporary classic ’ shapes of the shirts , shorts , tops , sweaters , track suits , joggers and shell suits which make up the whole range .
17 ‘ Of course , the reports and test results we issue are not all welcomed by manufacturers but there really is only a tiny percentage who end up carping about the magazine . ’
18 On one memorable occasion , Mac came to one of the dances and spent a lot of time with me , even escorting me back to the Waaf site afterwards , making intelligent conversation about his home in Canada and shaking hands gravely as he said goodnight — so different from the smash and grab tactics I was usually treated to when trying to bring an evening to a satisfactory close .
19 This attitude is fine if you can afford to have your machine out of action until it is repaired and replace components which have failed through neglect .
20 They support people active in the labour force , and provide services which would otherwise fall to the health and social services .
21 We have identified some areas of weakness , and others in which we believe that the investment of resources will substantially improve the way in which we present ourselves to the public , and provide services which we are currently unable to undertake .
22 The increases were met by a series of strikes and protest demonstrations which , together with the threat of a national strike , led the government to withdraw the second price rise on Dec. 10 .
23 At other times , the residents behave as if they are children again and show feelings they had when they were very young .
24 It is suggested that in the context of a monogamous union , adultery was elevated to the status of a sin ( or indeed a crime ) and grounds for divorce so as to reinforce this concept of marriage and , in the absence of birth control , to prevent the social ‘ untidiness ’ caused by the production of children not the product of a couple married to each other , with all the inheritance and support complications which could follow .
25 Jeffrey : I think what our discussion shows is the importance over the last fifteen years , and particularly in the age of AIDS , of the friendship and support networks which we have developed .
26 Organised by Business in the Community ( BITC ) , the awards aim to recognise private companies and public sector organisations which encourage and support employees who volunteer help in the local community .
27 There is no reason why schools should not include within their plans for the 1990s the full range of managerial and support roles which emerged from PNP during the 1980s .
28 The only way to change the Court was to wait for the justices ( of whom there were nine ) either to die or retire , and appoint replacements who would support the New Deal .
29 He became the first Earl of Iveagh , and set up the Guinness and Iveagh Trusts which provided homes for the poor in Dublin and London , and made substantial contributions to Trinity College and Dublin hospitals .
30 Therefore the Japanese switched tactics and attacked together with fighters and dive bombers which was not according to Genda 's careful plan .
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