Example sentences of "and [det] is in " in BNC.

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1 For the purposes of this chapter , this question of chronology makes only one difference , and that is in assessing how long the two separate procedural regimes lasted ; how long therefore the use of a trust brought with it a distinct advantage compared with the use of a modal legacy .
2 There is one area in which costing systems can do no more than provide the raw data , and that is in the treatment of overruns , variations and claims , which can often only be quantified by a detailed interpretation of the data recorded in the system .
3 We have one Economy 7 heater in use and that is in the hallway .
4 However , there is another way of looking at the phenomenon of life , and that is in terms of consciousness .
5 ‘ There is one key area in which I hope to have some success over the next year and that is in bringing the clubs and the union closer together ’ .
6 The most disconcerting news within the figures is that hardware sales in the quarter fell 9.9% To $7,000m — and that is in comparison with a 1991 quarter that was not exactly sparkling .
7 In only one non-human species has such specialisation of role within a hunting team been demonstrated , and that is in man 's closest relative , the chimpanzee .
8 The primary dictionary meaning is ‘ take possession of , take to oneself , especially without authority , ’ and that is in my opinion the meaning which the word bears in section 1(1) .
9 And that is in your mind when you react the other way .
10 But there is an even more profound way of differentiating reason , and that is in terms of its meaning for , and impact on , those who pursue it .
11 And that is in fact from four cylinder to twenty four cylinder engines .
12 That guarantees that the consumer feels safe with our food supply and that is in the best interests of all our chicken producers .
13 However , in future , the inspectorate will have the results of 6,000 inspections each year from which to draw the basis of its report — and that is in addition to the inspecting that the inspectorate will carry out .
14 And that is in the teeth of the partition of three thousand four hundred signatures from local people and urgent requests from those communities that the County Council allow the Secretary of State full discretion in this matter to call the matter in .
15 And that is in the teeth of the stated wish of these communities .
16 And that is in excess of fifty percent of the new housing allocation .
17 Your Royal Highness , it follows to me er Council have debated the Riding Report er a lot of it they did not accept , many of the ideas were referred back for further reconsideration and that is in the hands of the Central Management Committee at the moment and we are proposing to develop the ideas and come back to Council and the wh whole report is not forgotten .
18 I think we call er the volunteers , or those who run the shops anyway , Sally 's Army and that is in my way a tribute to Sally Barker who 's chairman of our branches advisory committee and does so much to make sure that the money does get raised in the field .
19 If there are savings , identified savings in the Chief Executives department , I 'm sure that that from those to this should be the way forward , but er , I 'm happy to second what Mr said , erm , with th and that is in three with the addition of in consultation with the county supplies officer .
20 What about her groceries being cheaper , and that is in the long run !
21 and each is in the all
22 Thus , the body appears to be able to respond more to raised blood glucose early in the daytime and this is in spite of the fact that we normally take in larger amounts of glucose later in the daytime .
23 One of them , the landlord of the pub , got pissed and kissed me on the mouth and talked about the problems of these demarcations — and this is in spite of all the AIDS hysteria .
24 The children visit the church and learn to look at it and describe what they see , and this is in itself a valuable exercise ; but it becomes more valuable still if as well as noting that the fabric is stone , they are provoked to go on to enquire what type of stone , is it all the same stone , why were these types of stone Preferred , where do they come from , and how do they come to be what they are ?
25 We do not use Labov 's concept of the vernacular — the language used by speakers when they are not being observed ( which is described by Labov as the most ‘ regular ’ style ) — and this is in accordance with Principle 1 , suggested in chapter 1 : language in use is always observed within a social context of some kind .
26 First , disyllables are in general more resistant to transfer into the incoming /u/ class than are monosyllables , and this is in line with our findings for other vowels .
27 And un unfor , and this is in fact is why indeed , general practitioners and even specialists find it very complex !
28 On that point , I would say that there are a number of considerations which arise as the result of that site being within the conservation area that militate against development in themselves , and this is in general well recognized on your side , and by the er er by the City Council .
29 Okay , and this is in function notation .
30 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
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