Example sentences of "and [det] may [be] " in BNC.

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1 There must be money in it and that may be the reason for an attempt to fool the laboratory in its work with thermoluminescence .
2 Gibson once used ‘ Limed Mahogany ’ as a finish on some Les Paul Juniors , and that may be the desired effect here , but the translucent mushroom colour of the Carlton certainly hides a lot of the mahogany 's natural colour and grain characteristics .
3 ‘ But public opinion will be taken into consideration and that may be the deciding factor .
4 They do n't have the time or the resources , and that may be because they do n't have enough people at partner level to cope with the organisation that training involves . ’
5 Now comes the hard part of scrapping those that are worthless , and that may be many or all !
6 Erm and that may be the reason .
7 which we can be sure , or think we can be sure , of biological connection is always very narrow ; but sociological kinship , which depends only on our willingness to slot individuals into particular verbal categories , can be extended as far as we like , or rather as far as local convention requires , and that may be thousands of miles and include many thousands of individuals .
8 And that may be the answer
9 Using offshore trusts like this is entirely legal , it also frees up extra money , and that may be needed in future .
10 And that may be okay in a departmental level but when I had an integrated global enterprise operating in integrated fashion around an integrated I T system then clearly I can not afford to allow a failure to actually paralyze the system .
11 Because just as I was saying , that Freud 's view was that , okay , there 's the id and that may be Hobbesian , but there 's also the ego , which if you like is , is more kind of Rousseauness it 's pro-social , and therefore I would say Freud is not a pessimistic , or an optimistic social thinker , but something in between .
12 So what you do as a trainer in a circus you try and encourage the animal to want to the act and to reinforce it for so doing and that may be food , it may be actually just affection for the people who are training and that 's what a trainer wants to try and .
13 The problem has been one of acceptability , and that may be a reflection of the practical rather than the academic nature of police surgeons ' work .
14 Er yeah it is Stefan but because you know it 's the first one to come into leaf and the first one to shed , then possibly it will flower at a different time as well I would think and that may be the clue .
15 And that may be a bit mild for the position they find themselves in .
16 It means that any office development or commercial of this kind in this I twelve policy that was to occur in Harrogate would not be counted off the sixty hectares of em erm of I five allocation , it would be in addition to it , and that may be a very important breakthrough for us .
17 Erm and that may be one of the way is which apparently affectionate abuse , if you can call it that , erm may be er in some ways more difficult to deal with than er than more frankly violent abuse .
18 One , one of the things that I think will be in value to you , once the systems in place , is to have some standard agenda items for the quality committee meeting and that may be sensible as being one of them .
19 The Bush administration has undertaken a national energy review which will report by the end of the year , and that may be the first step towards the national action to end dependence on Gulf oil , and to start what 's always eluded this country — an Energy Policy .
20 The three other prints will then be available to you on the same basis and each may be paid for in the same way .
21 There are many ways in which currency exposures can be eliminated or hedged and some may be more suitable than others for individual exporters :
22 A large retail organisation owns m sites , some of which may be warehouses and some may be shops .
23 And some may be worried about taking on a player with his record .
24 It is assumed therefore that virtually all children will travel along broadly the same curricular path in English , but that some will move more quickly , and further , than others ; and some may be around the level 1 attainments for the whole of their school careers .
25 Amnesty is concerned that those who remain detained may not be receiving adequate medical treatment for the seriousness of their conditions and some may be close to death .
26 In modern societies written records are kept by all kinds of agencies , and some may be available to social researchers .
27 Specialist counsellors , on the other hand , have usually had advanced training in counselling , psychotherapy , or family therapy , and some may be professionally trained in other disciplines such as medicine , clinical psychology , social work , or nursing .
28 Some of these other policies will supply precedents for the new policy , others will supply conditions , and some may be in conflict with it .
29 At le weekend some Brownies might play le football and some may be lucky enough to go sailing on un yacht .
30 They require a lot of maintenance and some may be out of action for up to a day a week on a regular basis .
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