Example sentences of "and [num] [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 2109 and 2113 had been war casualties and written off , five standard Felthams scrapped at Purley depôt as already described and in November 1950 , while the move was in progress , Nos. 2144 and 2162 caught fire and were burned out .
2 One hundred and fifty had been killed on the railway — but many of those were suicides and not passengers .
3 On Jan. 31 state television announced that all but 34 of the 232 people arrested on Jan. 21 and 22 had been freed .
4 A total of 43 of the victims had been separated from their families in childhood by state authorities , all but two had left school before completing their secondary education , and 43 had been charged with a criminal offence by the age of 15 .
5 Official figures on Feb. 10 recorded over 50 deaths and 100 to 200 injured , while the FIS said that 150 people had died and 700 had been injured .
6 By May 10 more than 200 people had died and hundreds had been admitted to hospital after drinking poisonous liquor laced with methyl alcohol in Orissa .
7 One hundred and thirteen had been born at term and the others at a median gestational age of 32 weeks ( range 24–36 ) ; none of the latter had been discharged from their neonatal unit on additional inspired oxygen .
8 Recent historical research has shown that the battle that would be won by the Darwinians of the 1860s and 1870s had been fought and lost by an earlier generation of reformers .
9 And yet the possibilities for rehabilitation between 1940 and 1960 had been virtually non-existent .
10 In the UK all Iraqis were from Jan. 19 required to have visas to enter the country , and strict registration procedures were laid down for Iraqis who were in the UK on limited leave ; as of Jan. 29 , out of 101 Iraqis detained since the beginning of the year 42 ( together with seven Palestinians ) were currently in detention awaiting deportation , 21 had left or had been deported and three had been released ; 35 serving members of the Iraqi armed forces were being held in military custody .
11 Of the 48 Cabinet members , 11 had been investigated for corruption by a military-appointed Asset Verification Committee and three had been found guilty .
12 The Romanian Parliament had issued objections on Nov. 28 to the referendum 's being held in those Ukrainian territories which between 1918 and 1940 had been part of Romania , namely Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia , but which had been ceded to Ukraine under the terms of the Molotov-Ribentropp pact .
13 Once the Cabinet purges of 1980 and 1981 had been completed , a large proportion of the Cabinet were what Nye Bevan would have called ‘ staircase ’ men , who owed their high office entirely to her patronage rather than any independent standing in the Conservative Party .
14 If they 'd murdered four thousand Danuese but said three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine had been killed by ourselves in the Danuese Civil War , then it meant they had killed only one .
15 Figures on Sept. 11 from medical authorities in Sarajevo , for the five months of war in Bosnia-Hercegovina to date , estimated that there had been more than 10,000 deaths ; 2,037 people had died and 12,293 had been seriously wounded in Sarajevo .
16 He said that Fianna Fail policy on Articles 2 and 3 had been clearly stated in their election manifesto in and in the joint policy for a partnership government with the Labour Party .
17 Up to the end of 1987/88 , 31 private centres had been validated and 6 had been turned down .
18 Belkheir said that in the unrest since January 103 people had died ( a revision of the previous figure — see p. 38790 ) and 414 had been wounded .
19 Doyle looked at the pad , where the words One , Two , Three , Four and Five had been repeatedly written on the missing top sheet .
20 The impetus of ethnic recruitment drives in 1986 and 1987 had been lost .
21 Thirty four patients had been maintained on delayed release mesalazine for a minimum of six months and 28 had been maintained on long term sulphasalazine .
22 So far , another two hundred and thirty had been taken to the nearest hospital , although few were expected to survive the next twenty-four hours .
23 There had been considerable loss of life , and thousands had been forced to leave their homelands .
24 His campaigns in Aquitaine , Normandy and Brittany in the 1340s and 1350s had been essentially plundering raids which had brought a substantial return for a modest outlay and had therefore enjoyed the support of the nobility and the commons .
25 The English response was ineffective : the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s had been essentially plundering raids , launched into enemy territory from secure bases ; but after 1369 England was thrown on to the defensive in Aquitaine , and she had little idea how to fight a defensive war .
26 According to Libyan opposition groups in exile , thousands of people were arrested during the year and 20 had been secretly executed in early May , after a speech by Kadhafi on April 8 urging his supporters in the revolutionary committees to purge " reactionary elements ' , and not to be inhibited in doing so by the " International Green Document for Peace and Human Rights in the Era of the Masses ' adopted in June 1988 ( see p. 36570 ) .
27 By the end of the week at least 100 people had died and 1,000 had been injured ; Izvestiya reported that some of the bodies that had been found were so thoroughly mutilated it was impossible to tell if they were men or women .
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