Example sentences of "and [vb base] that their " in BNC.

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1 To our knowledge , these findings provide the first direct evidence that mesenchymal as well as epithelial cells are involved in T-cell development , and suggest that their involvement is stage-specific and likely to be dependent on short-range or contact-mediated interactions .
2 And say that their wages will not them maintain . ’
3 I must hold my hand up and say that their goal was down to me .
4 Mothers may vehemently oppose this view and say that their child is clean at age 1 year but usually they mean that their child has regular bowel habits .
5 HP 's software effort for the new servers included endorsement from a veritable who's-who of mainframe software houses , all eager to stand up on the platform and say that their customers were queueing up to leave the IBM mainframe world behind .
6 And say that their members save their newspapers too .
7 Then next for the Spinner we shall ensue , We 'll make them spin three pound instead of two ; When they bring home their work unto us , they complain , And say that their wages will not them maintain ; But if that an ounce of weight they do lack , Then for to bate threepence we will not be slack .
8 They must be empowered to demand excellence in the courses that they attend and realise that their education is not a favour to them but a means of preparing them to be the sort of doctors that we want in the future .
9 These give casual workers the right , if they feel that their employment has taken on a de facto regular status , to raise the matter with the organization and request that their contractual relationship be revised accordingly ( interview with GMBATU ) .
10 Katz and Kahn have since developed their ideas and have suggested that the reason why the most effective managers show consideration and understanding towards their subordinates is because they supple formal position in the organisation and appreciate that their employees :
11 A mass meeting of sacked Timex workers in Dundee has decided NOT to rebel against last week 's peace deal and accept that their fight against the company is over .
12 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
13 This deliberate government policy was to encourage people to live in the rural areas and ensure that their income was at least as high as that of the factory worker .
14 In all cases it is suggested that the parties must consider whether or not to have strict time limits and ensure that their intention is clearly expressed .
15 In the face of doubts about the truths of religion , could bereaved parents still take courage and assume that their children 's death meant only a brief separation , the prelude to reunion in happier surroundings ?
16 He reported after the Sixth Comintern Congress that ’ As a rule , when we tell our Latin American comrades , on meeting them for the first time , that the situation of their country is that of a semi-colony and consequently we must consider the problems concerning it from the viewpoint of our colonial or semi-colonial tactics , they are indignant at this notion and assert that their country is independent , that it is represented in the League of Nations , has its own diplomats , consulates , etc . ’
17 Few suffer the agony of Johanna Young 's parents and find that their worst nightmare has become a reality .
18 If governors are actively involved as a dynamic , lively group and feel that their contribution to decisions and actions is not only valued but essential , then enthusiasm and commitment snowballs .
19 I think if parents are concerned and feel that their child is brighter than his performance shows , then it is time they took some action .
20 As one senior manager said : ‘ Employees now expect managers to take decisions on a commercial basis and recognize that their interests as employees — and in many cases shareholders — demand it .
21 ‘ For instance , should a child who has run away from home ring and ask that their parents be contacted , then the counsellors will do that and tell the mum and dad concerned where the child is , ’ she says .
22 also stress the importance of local labour markets and argue that their variations can have more significant effects than social class differences .
23 Not surprisingly they have contributed to more of the report directly , found the LEA guidelines more useful for preparing the report , believe the report to be more descriptive and judgmental and think that their schools were less threatened about the review process .
24 The effects of the international division of labour should make it easier for workers in these countries to discard their role of real or supposed world labour aristocracy and recognise that their fate on the world labour market is inseparably linked with that of their fellow workers in the underdeveloped countries .
25 Being able to look back , by means of regression , and discover that their condition has a logical and rational cause , takes away that feeling of stupidity and prevents the patient condemning himself to a lifetime of inevitable failure .
26 Furthermore , it is important that , with assistance if necessary , they can observe the response of their pupils to these processes and see that their short- and medium-term effects are consistent with the intentions .
27 Can centres learn from the experience of others and check that their modular house is in order ?
28 I am sure that it will highlight his constituents ' day when they read the record of the debate and learn that their representative can not read .
29 All that the Europeans had to do was defeat the existing ruler and proclaim that their own ruler had filled the vacant throne .
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