Example sentences of "and [vb past] on his " in BNC.

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1 They manhandled Mr Reagan to the side of the stage and pounced on his attacker , forcing him over the podium to check him for any possible weapons before dragging him away .
2 Fifteen years ago Ally MacLeod said we 'd bring home medals from Argentina and reneged on his promise spectacularly .
3 Mr Gatenby 's addiction had started with one phone call because , he said , he was unsettled , did not mix easily and lived on his own .
4 The man kicked and struggled wildly , and rose on his knees .
5 He frowned and sucked on his cigarette and I somehow got the impression that my question had annoyed him , but when he answered his voice was mild enough .
6 Denis whisked open the fridge and sucked on his teeth .
7 He nodded to himself , as though many things had now become clear to him , and drew on his cigar .
8 ‘ And is there , ’ the Substitute pursed his lips in a smile and drew on his cigar , ‘ a brother in the case ? ’
9 He bent his head and concentrated on his own big ugly hands .
10 He dropped his gaze and concentrated on his hands , examining his clean perfect nails .
11 The waiter shrugged and concentrated on his task .
12 I pulled godfather rank and played on his guilt . ’
13 This lasted only four years , and from 1845 he worked and experimented on his own .
14 A single-club man , Jim began his career with the Palace back in 1970 , and scored on his League debut against Chelsea in the 1st Division derby match at Selhurst Park against our South London rivals ( 2–0 ) , in front of a near 40,000 crowd on 31 March 1973 .
15 Johnny was immediately made captain , a position he held for nearly five years , and scored on his debut , but even Johnny 's seven goals from the 12 remaining games could not keep us out of the new basement division .
16 He hardened his heart and turned on his computer , smiling acidly at the screen .
17 He yawned , closed his eyes again and turned on his side .
18 Paul blushed , did not reply , and turned on his heel to go in .
19 Snatching the change which was finally proffered , he pocketed it without a word and turned on his heel .
20 It 'll save me the trouble , ’ and turned on his heel and went back to the shop .
21 ‘ Young Nicodemus , ’ he said , and turned on his heel .
22 He merely grunted something incomprehensible and turned on his heel , leaving her — as always — to follow .
23 He pushed his mobile tray away from him , mumbled non-committally , lay down and turned on his right side , determined not to be trapped again .
24 He bowed and turned on his heel and walked slowly to the green door where he blew me a kiss .
25 ‘ So long as you do n't gossip with him , no , ’ he said flatly , and turned on his heel to stride coolly out on to the terrace again , so tall he had to dodge the metal chimes that hung over the french windows .
26 But David Pratt , photographer , has gone off it since he travelled half way round the world 's trouble spots unscathed to be battered and mugged on his own Glasgow south side doorstep .
27 ‘ I guessed as much , ’ he said , and reckoned on his fingers .
28 He parted Jean-Paul 's thighs , and began on his legs .
29 I went upstairs uneasily and knocked on his door .
30 In the process he was trying to turn and give the ball back to his own team and he fell awkwardly and landed on his head and twisted his head under his body .
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