Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The old nun was as imperious as ever but she visibly thawed when she saw Corbett and beamed with pleasure at his gift .
2 Cranston drained his cup and beamed in self congratulation , giving a sly grin at Athelstan , who glared back .
3 I leant over Mum and whispered to Dad .
4 Sat and glowed with satisfaction for a few hours in silence , studying their effect .
5 But the appointed attendants snivelled by day and snored by night , and understood nothing of the pharmacopoeia and its uses , until Ariel , strained taut by her predicament , became impatient with them .
6 The solution of silica which had saturated the dead organisms and solidified into chert was clearly as fine-grained and durable a preservative as exists .
7 They walked to the window and gazed with interest at the North Oxford back gardens , and their flowering trees .
8 The ballet master Balanchine , for one , showed up at a work-out and gazed in wonder .
9 We tumbled down into the hole like so many Alices and gazed in wonder around us .
10 They visited the huge Gothic cathedral and gazed in awe at the beautiful Murillos — Saint Anthony and the Immaculate Conception — the stained-glass windows and the many other treasures the centuries had gifted the cathedral with .
11 When the pound slipped through the fingers of the ERM last September and plunged in value against important trading currencies , it became Golden Wednesday instead .
12 What is more interesting here , however , is the method of reasoning by which Dobson reaches his conclusions on how EModE pronunciation is to be codified and legitimized as part of the canon .
13 The announcement immediately heightened the political tension in the country and led to speculation that Cristiani 's stance now reflected the views of extreme right-wing elements in the army and in his own Nationalist Republican Alliance ( Arena ) party .
14 It will come as no surprise to discover , then , that Spencer was highly critical of statutory intervention , arguing that it stifled liberty and led to rigidity and uniformity : ‘ Society , a living growing organism , placed within apparatuses of dead , rigid , mechanical formulas , can not fail to be hampered and pinched . ’
15 The principal cause of the problem , however , was fertilizer run-XXXX off , which contaminated groundwater and led to eutrophication of surface water .
16 The idea attracted immense enthusiasm among all classes in Scotland , and led to disaster .
17 The 11 sufferers identified in the study said the smell blighted their relationships with the opposite sex , wrecked promotion prospects at work and led to addiction to cigarettes , alcohol and drugs .
18 He felt like the boy 's father ; he loved and cared for Grégoire as if he were his son .
19 It should be appreciated that currencies deposited and lent in Eurocurrency are no different from those deposited and lent via domestic banks — it is the location of the deposit or lending which differs .
20 He told them how morally indefensible was the policy of apartheid , and asked for prayer for Africa .
21 Some time after this Mrs Meehan wrote to me that her husband was innocent , and asked for assistance in having his case reviewed .
22 The government has declared a state of emergency and asked for assistance from the US .
23 But I had informed the police and asked for help even before the doorbell rang .
24 A mother may set out some crayons and paper or plasticine while she gets on with the ironing but she should expect to be interrupted and asked for help .
25 Last year , in response to a request from South Africa 's Bishop of Kimberley , three Carmelite nuns in Germany , knowing Darlington 's links with South Africa , contacted the convent and asked for help .
26 Another letter from the middle school was about a visiting theatre group and asked for money as well as a tear-off slip .
27 The 14-year-old boy was walking the alsatian along a path between Park Avenue and Penparcau , Aberystwyth , Powys , when the attacker , who was aged about 20 , approached him and asked for money .
28 A slattern brought a small table for Athelstan to rest his writing tray on , and of course a jug of wine and two goblets , though Athelstan shook his head and asked for water .
29 But the following day she telephoned a local newspaper , the Sowetan , saying she feared for her life , and asked for protection .
30 But without doubt the most contentious defector to reach the West was Anatoli Golitsin , who arrived at the office of the CIA 's station chief in Helsinki in Finland in December 1911 and asked for asylum for himself , his wife and daughter .
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