Example sentences of "and [vb past] being [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She guessed Ursula 's diamond-encrusted eternity ring had inflicted the damage and recalled being shown it for the first time nearly ten years ago .
2 The corporal lay that afternoon among hot stones on an exposed and open slope , his skin scorched by the stones ; nevertheless , he stayed flat to the ground and escaped being captured or shot .
3 ‘ When sound came in , in 1928 , Keaton had signed to MGM and began being used as a vehicle for really average production-line gags .
4 So I pushed suspicion away and enjoyed being fussed over .
5 PC World chairman Jan Murray reckons it was only a matter of time before PCs lost their premium product status and started being treated like any other commodity item .
6 That was true , Erika admitted : the July Plot in 1944 when a group of officers , aristocrats to a man , had tried to assassinate Hitler and been caught and hanged with piano wire — and filmed being hanged — and the film shown at Hitler 's headquarters as after dinner entertainment … .
7 I think we were both put out , for Dana , though certainly James Dean material , hated to be valued for his looks alone , while I resented the ease with which he attracted praise and disliked being thought of as an intellectual with nothing else to recommend me .
8 He took British citizenship , travelled for the rest of his life on a British passport , and disliked being described as a ‘ South African choreographer ’ .
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