Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 As more and more reassignments take place , the area of memory used for the variables grows and eventually there is no more room .
2 Then there is a cessation of acceptance and suddenly there is , er almost revulsion that steps in .
3 And so what is we are n't at the centre of the Galaxy ?
4 Authors should never be held responsible for their publishers ' blurbs , and so one is spared the embarrassment of assessing the claim that Hugh Trevor-Roper is ‘ Britain 's greatest living historian ’ .
5 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
6 The cost and the pay-off of a text are somehow mutually constraining , and so one is dependent on the other .
7 It is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it which is the consent of the majority or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body , one community which the consent of every individual that united into it agreed that it should and so everyone is bound by that consent to be concluded by the majority .
8 This is reflective speech ; the character seems rootless and so there is no definite accent or background indicated .
9 The point about the big glass , he wrote , is that there is no right way up and so there is no upside down .
10 The child 's cognisant acts have the character of perceptions : if an act is done it can not be undone ( ‘ reversed ’ in the jargon ) and so there is no going back and taking another perspective on the question or practical problem .
11 And so there is reason to look in Hardy 's poetry not just for allusions to Virgil 's Latin but for echoes of Dryden 's English .
12 In summer the sun does not set and so there is no alternation of day or night to give cues as to the passage of time .
13 We drink and eat in the daytime but not at night and so there is an excess of fluid and salts in the body in the daytime , and a deficit during the night .
14 ‘ We are not allowed to take action to control the badger population and so there is always a risk that the disease will creep back in again .
15 But Minnie I ought to have suspected there was more to this kindness than appeared and so there is .
16 Many of the species of owl swallow their prey whole and so there is minimal breakage of postcranial elements .
17 The man whose own animals are missing when wanted has , in his turn , to ‘ hire' ’ , and so there is a continuous round of misappropriation , to which the whole community is more or less privy . ’
18 Everything I have said about gilts applies to qualifying corporate bonds , except that they are not backed by the UK Government and so there is a greater risk that the bond will not be repaid .
19 Between 10 and 7 BC , however , Quirinius was known to be on military service in the Syrian area , and so there is the possibility of him being involved in a previous census even though he was not the Governor at the time .
20 But even with these your risks are spread and so there is some form of protection .
21 The large ships used during the BGS offshore reconnaissance geological mapping programme could not approach close inshore , and so there is around the United Kingdom coast a largely unexplored area stretching in places several kilometres offshore .
22 Now , there is a basic constitutional principle , embodied in the Bill of Rights of 1688/9 , that the levying of taxes must be authorized by statute , and so there is an argument for saying that non-statutory rules made by the Revenue which effectively determine a taxpayer 's liability to tax are ‘ unconstitutional ’ .
23 Mr Reynolds will be in hospital for some days prior to surgery and so there is no need for either the medical or nursing assessments to be made immediately .
24 Often these amendments are tabled by the Government and so there is no problem in ensuring that the Commons will approve them .
25 We might feel tempted to say that Wittgenstein 's account may be true of sensations ; but that there is no such thing as a sensation of blue , and so there is no reason why a private linguist could not start by naming the way things look to him before moving on to the more difficult talk of the way things actually are .
26 I don I don you know erm and so there is a it is reduced .
27 They demonstrate that when futures are indivisible , even if movements in futures prices can be predicted and interest rates are constant ( and so there is zero correlation between futures prices and interest rates ) , futures and forward prices will differ .
28 The markets for the major index futures and the shares included in such an index are usually highly liquid , and so there is likely to be little adverse price movement for all but the largest arbitrage transactions .
29 None of the 19 randomised controlled trials used otalgia or recurrent acute otitis media as an outcome measure and so there is little scientific evidence that surgery benefits children with these conditions , especially when the high proportion who experience severe or persistent discharge after insertion of grommets is considered .
30 Enhancing the value locally is one key to economic success , and so there is a move to teach propagation skills , and to export small seedlings at considerably greater profit .
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