Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 So it was done in that manner and it was fairly reasonable er and eventually you know , everybody but everybody was , was on this scheme .
2 you build up a pattern then you build up a rhythm and eventually you know do it
3 You carry on learning , and somewhere somebody knows the answer to it so you learn how they go the answer to it , and then perhaps later on you have a chance to have an opinion in science .
4 I think the stage door club is fine but it 's so tiny and rather you know .
5 Jo refused to discuss the Oscars ; the whole idea was too exciting to bear serious thought , and besides she knew something about the events of the next three and a half hours that her mother did not , and would not until her name was called .
6 She held her breath , her hands at her mouth , as the dying plane sped out of sight ; and suddenly she knew that the pilot in the burning plane was not her enemy .
7 There were signposts , and suddenly she knew where they were .
8 Luke grinned , and suddenly she knew it was going to be all right .
9 And suddenly she knew how much she longed to see them , to introduce him to them , and to tell them how sorry she was for her wild behaviour over Terry , and for her conceited folly over Havvie .
10 The guests , packed cheek by jowl , parted as he entered , and suddenly she knew the reason for the party .
11 Yet the table still looked bare , and suddenly she knew it needed flowers .
12 It was hard to believe that this generously smiling woman was the same predatory creature she 'd been watching just a moment ago — but the image she had seen was seared in her brain , and suddenly she knew there was no way in the world that she could allow this woman to be a mother to Kirsty .
13 She was filled with an overwhelming desire to strike back at him , and suddenly she knew exactly how she could do it .
14 The shock of an impact struck him squarely between the shoulder blades , and suddenly he knew exactly where he was .
15 Then she smiled , and suddenly you knew why all Englishmen loved the Queen .
16 You stand , and suddenly you know
17 Few biologists , quite rightly , have dug out badger setts , and so we know very little about these elaborate burrow systems — except that , until recently , the biggest one known had no less than 360 metres of tunnels , with 38 entrances .
18 And so we know that particles that were thought to be " elementary " twenty years ago are , in fact , made up of smaller particles .
19 And in the Football Post er cos everybody used to have the Football Post then , not like now , and so everybody knew what was in it and er there was like a Who and Why column in the Football Post and one of these was , Who will stop County now , you see because they was at top of the second division or something like that , and the team that was next to them was City in them days you see .
20 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
21 The Christian may be in a church which has been together for several hundred years , and so he knows there is a certain likelihood of it still being together next year !
22 And so I knew I must do this now .
23 But I was real familiar with his records and so I knew it was gon na be that way ; in fact it was really kinda fun to have to take a guess at when he was gon na change .
24 But if I had to decide I would say my favourite would be ( favourite country ) would be Canada because I have lived there the longest out of all places and so I know it better than any other country .
25 She got a man nobody else wanted and so she knows what she 's talking about .
26 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
27 And perhaps I know a short-cut or two to Frizingley Hall , which ought not to surprise you
28 As to the rest of his question then of course I and I suspect and perhaps I know that everybody in the house would urge Sinn Fein er to consider very seriously a positive response to the joint declaration .
29 The openings are controlled by incorruptible intelloids , and only they know which inner vaults hold valuables , and which valuables are stored where .
30 ‘ Whoever they are — and only you know that — these people are serious .
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