Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 A pair of Derwent jet engines , once fitted to Meteor WL181 and latterly used as runway de-icers were hammered down for only £750 .
2 More immediately , however , this may be politically inopportune , and widely resented as ‘ robbing the people of their savings ’ .
3 Hobbes 's thought , in contrast , was both well known and widely regarded as in need of refutation on account of its low view of man .
4 The Berlin Philharmonic is Germany 's ‘ national ’ orchestra and widely acclaimed as one of the most technically brilliant in the world , whose delivery is surely the nearest to musical perfection .
5 Mendelssohn 's songs have always elicited a somewhat critical response because , elegant and effectively fashioned as they always are , they seldom rise to emotional or dramatic heights .
6 It is as though the physical structure of the head and neck are being at one and the same time constructed and medically dissected as well as reproduced in terms of illusion .
7 The village or small town most famous and most visited as the home of the Bronte family seems an unlikely destination for railway enthusiasts , but at Haworth station the preserved Keighley and Worth Valley Railway has its headquarters and museum , where there is a collection of locomotives and rolling stock .
8 Aliki had returned from Cyprus in time to cater for the event , but nobody displayed much appetite for the food she had prepared and most departed as soon as decency permitted .
9 But Spain would never again be as politically and economically isolated as it had been between 1945 and 1950 .
10 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
11 Polly James , as the matchmaker Frosine , is energetic and endlessly scheming as she attempts to marry off the daughter and her lover Valère , who is masquerading as the Miser 's steward , and the son and Mariane , who is also the object of the father 's desire .
12 Club-armed Goblins receive a +1 strength bonus and so count as having a strength of 4 .
13 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
14 It may simply be used as a taunt which is deemed provocative and so portrayed as one of several triggering actions for the killing .
15 In no other state was the influence of military attachés so great and so formalised as in Germany ; but in others it could on occasion be significant .
16 But Ben soon tired of such games and merely watched as Meg went from shop to shop , unchallenged by the android shopkeepers .
17 As with attempts to control revenue , these capital controls were widely unpopular in local government , and authoritatively criticized as uncertain , inefficient and wasteful ( Audit Commission , 1985b ) .
18 More than that : he had himself sprung from the upper working class and naturally despised as unclean the lower working class : his life was made a misery by their proximity , and he longed for them to be evicted or murder each other in one of their not infrequent rows .
19 In the main cockpit the blind flight panel was removed and cleaned , virtually all other instrumentation was removed and refurbished , cockpit fittings , trim wheels , knobs and switches were all cleaned , re-painted and generally made as new .
20 There are other good vignettes of people telephoning each other to say goodbye , huddling in corner stores and generally acting as they do in scary SF movies .
21 The result is a genuine triumph , thanks to a troupe of singers , the same cast as at York , willing to give their best in attitudes ranging from completely recumbent to perilous perching on ladder or chaise-longue ; dragging themselves around on all fours and wrapping themselves in curtains ; and generally behaving as though the entire cast ( not just the noble lovers , as in the script ) is ripe for the psychiatrist 's couch .
22 With its ethical imperatives , Idealism was perfectly suited to debate the ‘ boy labour ’ problem which was usually seen , in one way or another , as a problem of ‘ character ’ and , therefore , notions of duty , service , subordination , and so on , were eagerly and easily incorporated as desirable features in the making of the new image of youth .
23 The important point for present purposes , however , is that , in this and other ways , the Sexual Offences Act is not a piece of legislation which can be simply and easily categorised as ‘ permissive ’ .
24 He is as impulsive and easily distracted as KLF leader Bill Drummond , and similarly shifts queer guises ( with scant regard for commercial consequences ) at an extraordinary rate .
25 The alternative , when plutonium is seen as a fuel , is to load it into existing Russian reactors , unused to the stuff and already regarded as unsafe by outsiders .
26 The first is a totalizing strategy which dissolves every distinction into the all-inclusive distinction of race : for example you are always and already defined as Jewish irrespective of age , class , gender , culture , or any other feature which might place you in a category with non-Jews .
27 Vickery overemphasizes vegetation references by relating the ‘ temperate valley … smelling of vegetation ’ with its ‘ running stream ’ to a particular scene in The Golden Bough , and by insisting that the ‘ water-mill ’ is that ‘ in which Tammuz was ground ’ and thus functions as ‘ a reminder that death is the price of rebirth ’ .
28 The word ‘ theory ’ is too often contrasted with ‘ practice ’ and thus interpreted as being remote from real classroom and schools .
29 The word ‘ theory ’ is too often contrasted with ‘ practice ’ and thus interpreted as being remote from real classroom and schools .
30 ‘ She is surrounded by tubes and just looks as though she is asleep .
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