Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is often " in BNC.

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1 He may agree , and he is often the one who decides what issues will be dealt with and when .
2 He and Leslie have regular lessons with Dorothy Willis , mainstay of Ginny Leng 's team at Ivyleaze , and he is often schooled over showjumps at the local Hartpury College where the facilities are excellent .
3 Most of the youngsters know him by name and he is often called to Hendon police station when they get into trouble with the law .
4 Poetry demands a form of reading that , though rewarding , is unusually intensive , and it is often avoided in sixth-form English teaching .
5 They can be irritatingly slow to publish , and it is often difficult to know how they spend their time .
6 Tuberculosis spreads easily and it is often passed on from older members of the family to the children .
7 Supermarkets seldom have time to nurture the cheese to full maturity and it is often sold with a large , hard ‘ chalk ’ in the centre of the paste , which is flavourless and most unpleasant to eat .
8 They have since run into some problems and it is often easier to invent a new theory than to repair yesterday 's novelties .
9 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
10 Visions of heavy counselling sessions come to mind and it is often felt that the grieving person must be helped to ‘ come to terms with it ’ , whatever ‘ it ’ might be .
11 Getting the solder of a new fitting to flow can be difficult if there is some water left in the pipe , and it is often easier to replace a leaking capillary fitting with a compression fitting .
12 There are many factors that must be taken into account , and it is often the use of different survey methodology that can cause politicians and others to disagree over particular surveys that claim to show growing poverty or increased prosperity .
13 Machine detergents : Comparative costing is a little more difficult as two or more chemicals are involved , such as detergent and rinse additive , and it is often necessary to compare powders with liquids .
14 Owners will usually see the value of their property increase and it is often a selling point in estate agents ’ particulars that a house stands in a conservation area .
15 After symptoms of infection have disappeared , the virus may stay around the body for some considerable time , and it is often possible to grow it as long as one year after the infection has taken place .
16 Of course , not all who attend a clinic have guilty secrets , and it is often useful for the doctor and both the sexual partners to have a joint consultation .
17 And it is often the man who is both sensitive and caring who is made to suffer the most .
18 It is true that many people cling to office , or are permitted to do so , and it is often that barnacle-like permanence which gives committees and boards a sense of dull sameness and an unwillingness to reform .
19 It must be remembered that hyperlipidaemia in a well-controlled diabetic may also represent a primary familial disorder , and it is often difficult to differentiate between this and diabetes complicated by hypertriglyceridaemia .
20 Another potential problem for patients is that they find themselves in the role of information-giver , and it is often information of a very personal nature .
21 But even in democratic societies knowledge of the past changes as historical scholarship develops and it is often found that the official record of the time under study contains errors or even deliberate falsification .
22 The term ‘ rich ’ implies that the pictures should contain a wealth of information relevant to the study ; however , trying to include too much detail can result in them becoming extremely cluttered , and it is often necessary to summarise the detail ( using the interview analysis technique if required ) and redraw them as the study progresses .
23 For some , in fact , this meeting may be the only evening out they have during the month ; and it is often the encouragement and moral support they get from the group that gives them the resolve to come at all .
24 It is most common in older people and it is often believed that there is no cure because it is a sign that the body is wearing out .
25 For example ‘ the ’ is signalled by two fingers placed together in the shape of a T , touching the ear indicates ‘ sounds like ’ , patting your hand on your head means ‘ name ’ , and it is often helpful to indicate the number of words by fingers .
26 This can still be done , old components can still be obtained and it is often possible to restore 50/60 year old , or even older , wireless sets to their former glory .
27 Patients aged 18 or over are deemed legally responsible for their own actions , and it is often with great reluctance that they will agree to see a doctor and possibly begin treatment or undergo admission to hospital .
28 Relevant costing features in many of the questions set in the Financial Decisions paper at Conversion Course , and it is often these questions that receive the poorest answers .
29 But today the family is under great pressure and it is often difficult to seen the connection .
30 The third outcome is to fail to reconcile the discrepancy between personal goals and achievement , and it is often this failure which leads to retirement becoming a problem .
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