Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , and you is it ?
2 And She is you , here , beside me .
3 ‘ I realised that I needed someone strong who was next to me and she is it , ’ says Sacha .
4 Oldtimers will remember the famous panel from the US comic strip Pogo that had one of the cartoon 's forest creatures utter the immortal words , ‘ We have seen the enemy and he is us . ’
5 I am my husband 's life , and he is mine .
6 Silently — and it is Him
7 and it is him you turned
8 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
9 Of course this is not quite accurate language does not exist independently of speakers , and it is they who introduce innovations — but the point is well taken .
10 " You search the scriptures " , Jesus once replied to his critics , " because you think that in them you have eternal life ; and it is they that bear witness to me .
11 Finally , we have found it salutary to remember that teachers will use the program in quite different ways and it is they who will manage and build the total activity .
12 The reverse pattern to this is seen where the barnacles are 5. balanoides and it is they that are sometimes restricted to a high-level band ( Plate la ) .
13 I 'd like to be very clear here that emotionally and using emotions now against your intellect , I think it 's very dangerous and it is we like to avoid this .
14 Life is a gift , and it is yours to learn how to receive , not to earn .
15 A Wave washed ashore and within its rushing sound I heard some hope from periodical land — that most finicky home to all media junkies everywhere.Rather than offer up another fascinating glimpse of some consumable , this Wave challenged me to look into myself and wonder whether organic intelligence is what we should be seeking.This story , Inner Space Outer Space has all the trappings of a mystery thriller , except the mystery is ancient and it is us .
16 But if we create a psychology in this country where to the men and women who earn the crust upon which we depend , our business community , are switched off to the significance of Europe , there 's only one people who 'll suffer and it is us .
17 This begins to be interesting , and it is I think the originary focus of that sense of misgiving with which I began .
18 Erm , er we talked to the departmental transportation departments er attended and it is I think fairly widely open to members of the county council so that , these issues can be pursued as and when they arise or choose to comes along .
19 The gardener of the family is the Queen Mother , whose gardens at her Scottish hideaways , the Castle of Mey and Birkhall , are stunning , and it is she who over the years has made them so .
20 And it is you know it seems to take up quite a bit of time for members of staff and we do as many as we can but sometimes we have to say sorry we we ca n't do any more this week .
21 It 's a sort of passed on from one generation to the next and it is you know , you will see people , hear people talking about it as if it was yesterday .
22 When the appointment of three arbitrators is required , each party chooses one arbitrator , and the arbitrators-dual appointed-dual in this way choose the third arbitrator and it is he who takes on the presidency of the arbitration authority .
23 He is portrayed as showing sorrow at the destruction caused by German bombers and it is he who ‘ saves the day ’ by first giving himself up and then being shot by Clogger .
24 Yes erm but it is begging and it is it is pagan .
25 And it is it seems to me quite within the realms of possibility that erm highway erm criteria will change and the need for upgrading of the roads would be reviewed and perhaps a different system erm of er judging them er would produce a different set of or a different improvement regime .
26 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
27 I 've been away all this week because my wife took a telephone message from Nora yesterday and it is it is in our parish .
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