Example sentences of "and [noun prp] be then " in BNC.

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1 Following this , an Act of Parliament was passed to abolish the name of Ruthven and Huntingtower was then given its present name .
2 £8,000 will be spent on boiler repairs and DRPS is then seeking £10,000 to finance the retube .
3 By 1931 Hubble and Humason had convincingly demonstrated that the Universe is currently expanding and Einstein was then happy to disown the cosmological constant .
4 Although at first united , Nut and Geb were then separated by their father for ever , but their initial union gave rise to the births of their four children , two sons , Osiris and Seth , and two daughters , Isis and Nephthys .
5 Both Major and Hurd were then immediately nominated as candidates for the second round , while Heseltine was also renominated .
6 His rebuke to the Congress , that " if this leadership is to succeed , it must have the men it wants " , effectively made the second vote on Yanayev a vote of confidence in Gorbachev , and Yanayev was then elected by 1,237 votes to 563 .
7 But since the ECSC had been created , the faltering Fourth French Republic had collapsed in 1958 , and France was then governed by President de Gaulle , determined to raise the status of France as a state and nation : it was a foretaste of the French attitude that was to affect integration in the next decade .
8 Once Ann had been helped to understand that she felt insecure in her relationship with Charles as a result of earlier experiences , she and Charles were then able to commit themselves to a contractual approach to problem-solving .
9 One third of the dwelling stock of England and Wales was then more than 80 years old , and 37 per cent of all households lacked a fixed bath , 8 per cent a wc ( another 13 per cent were required to share ) , 6 per cent piped water ( another 14 per cent sharing ) and 6 per cent a kitchen sink .
10 If upon the hearing of such setting aside application C.N.L. were to succeed , and P.C.A. were then to co-operate by handing over the documents before , rather than at , trial , C.N.L. could start using the material to prepare their evidence for trial — albeit by then , of course , the trail would have cooled still further .
11 Chandrasekhar and Ferrari were then able to show that the Nutku-Halil solution is obtained by the simple choice of Ernst function given by ( 13.3 ) where p and q are real constants which satisfy the condition .
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