Example sentences of "and [noun pl] that have " in BNC.

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1 The same names and groups that have already featured in the discussion of the provincial press therefore appear again as owners of local radio .
2 There have been a number of other reformulations and reinterpretations that have done less violence to Mannheim 's legacy than did the early sociological and philosophical responses .
3 A.Berlin , for example , affirms that " there is no qualitative difference between the so-called " fixed " pairs and pairs that have not so been labelled .
4 New words and meanings that have emerged since the publication of the relevant parts of the Supplement need to be entered .
5 At Tesco we have a range of organic produce so you can buy fruit and vegetables that have been grown without the use of chemical fertilisers .
6 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
7 In a hard-hitting statement at the end of a recent workshop on ‘ Communication and Prophecy ’ , held in Harare , Zimbabwe , women from nine African countries called on the Church in Africa to ‘ re-examine its leadership structures and strategies that have made it vulnerable to manipulation by government ’ .
8 And what it 's actually to do is is to do with this National Standards and Indicators that have been written for the careers service .
9 The difficulty with all these policy areas is that the effect on economic efficiency is by no means clear cut : there are nearly always benefits and losses that have to be weighed .
10 The Chicago Civil Aviation Conference of 1944 is rarely discussed today , but it established the forms and organizations that have governed postwar civil aviation to this day .
11 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
12 On canal and lakes that have not been fished since March it makes sense to take it easy .
13 All of these uses of the railway station survive in the oral evidence of many North American villages and townships that have long since lost their rail service .
14 There are clothes she must have kept for going home , letters and books that have been collected while she was there .
15 Architecture and art are areas in which disorder may be deliberately generated by creating forms and relationships that have no precedent for the express purpose of attaining a new , higher level of orderliness .
16 Most LEAs and schools that have introduced explicit policies to combat sexual and ‘ racial ’ inequalities label them as anti-racist and anti-sexist .
17 In 1990 , Debbie 's proposal to curate a collection of artwork about childbirth was accepted by A Space , one of Canada 's oldest parallel alternative artist-run centres and arts publications throughout Canada and the U.S.A. A grant from the Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada and from scattered points in the U.S.A. Faced with a tremendous volume of committed , powerful work from every discipline , her curatorial decision was to be inclusive rather than exclusive ; to show-case the incredible diversity of personalities , experiences and methods that have been employed to address this long repressed subject matter .
18 The report also accused the government of intolerance towards demonstrations of social discontent and the " stigmatization of people , groups and sectors that have demanded the resolution of any type of grievance " .
19 When you broadcast on behalf of a client you represent him and must work within the references and parameters that have been set for you .
20 Electric Ecology looks at the surprising variety of plants and animals that have co colonized this land and that the efforts that are made to monitor and foster this wild life .
21 Latent inhibition occurs readily with stimuli like lights and tones that have no obvious antecedents or consequences in the way that consumption of a flavoured fluid does .
22 Even if you want to make a poem in the end , write in prose first , just to make sure you 're clear about the feelings and experiences that have come to the surface .
23 But if they do look up they will see a cat's-cradle of motley cables and wires that have a tale of initiative and rebellion to tell .
24 Chair , erm , every year we try and hold er , an event or something of interest to the local business community , to local industries , and we have contacts with local freight-forwarders , banks and companies that have exported , embassies , and we 're proposing that we erm , hold the event this year on the subject of exporting and how to do it , because we 've had very many small companies that might be clueless and want to know erm , exact nuts and bolts of it , so if we could run an event on that basis , and then use that event as the core of a group to take across in this case , Ireland , but perhaps in the future , Holland , who knows where else , to actually sell , using the services of erm , the Embassy in Dublin , our Embassy and the Chamber , with whom we have very good links , then it would be to the benefit of our businesses .
25 And countries that have experimented with free multi-party elections , such as Zambia , Benin and Madagascar , have received their due reward .
26 The right answer is that all those who have signed the treaty should abide by it , the safeguards in the treaty applied to signatories such as Iraq should be strengthened , and countries that have not signed it should be encouraged to do so .
27 Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Huaqiu expressed unease at the situation , stating that " China 's reunification is an irresistible historical trend " and that the Chinese government was " opposed to any official relations , contacts and exchanges of an official nature between Taiwan and countries that have diplomatic relations with the People 's Republic " .
28 Britons tend to retain trust in the inhabitants of countries in which Britain has had or retains colonial interests ; countries that share a common language , values , and ( in some cases ) ancestry ; and countries that have stood together in times of crisis .
29 Costs and revenues that have occurred in the past can not be changed .
30 There are a few shells and worms that have left behind a tracery of trails in what was the muddy sea floor .
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