Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
2 I like to think that the players and fans know I would n't do soemthing that .
3 I like to think that the players and fans know I would n't do soemthing that .
4 ‘ Here I an trying to change man 's perception of the Cosmos and the neighbours and kids tell me to get a job .
5 On my first attempt of the Sound and Waves test I managed to score 20 percent , I then decided I had better read the tutorial before my second attempt in which I scored 60 percent .
6 Didnae offend , and didnae offend me .
7 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
8 Friends and relatives tell me I should have stopped by now , and I know I do n't want to carry on through the toddler years .
9 1 ) What skills and concepts do I want to develop ?
10 Duncan , Salary and Conditions claim I quote due to the turmoil within the industry at the time of compiling this report , we have not as yet presented a claim .
11 And stairs trouble me you may have noticed . ’
12 3 " Brothers and sisters have I none , Yet this man 's father is my father 's son .
13 Moderator and friends let me say first of all that I 'm glad to be able to make these speeches on behalf of the member churches of and I 'd like to also on , particularly on behalf of the England and Wales , though I did realise having said that that you have a minister of the University of Penryth is also a member of this Synod , and therefore , you 've got me three things !
14 Neighbours and friends tell me that when I am racing you can hear the noise right down the street ; it is as if I am running in Dad 's front room !
15 cos I 've seen that as well and friends give me
16 Indeed some editors of specialist columns and journals tell me that they like to receive good background material so that they can keep it to use as a reference for future articles .
17 I did n't bring anything to read , and papers bore me anyway , so I 'm wondering if I 'm the kind of guy who 's cut out for relationships .
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