Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the decade it was Gloucester , not the bishop , who dominated the region and contemporaries knew it .
2 By the end of the decade it was Gloucester , not the bishop , who dominated the region and contemporaries knew it .
3 During the 1920s writers and artists used it as their club and about ten thousand letters arrived there daily for clients who were staying in Paris or elsewhere in Europe .
4 Sides are coming here to block us and Spurs did it very well . ’
5 In London , the City Panel of Takeovers and Mergers said it was following the situation .
6 A transitional coalition government led by Popov and comprising the BSP , the UDF , the BZNS and independents replaced it on Dec. 20 [ see pp. 37865 ; 37923 ] .
7 Poulson and Associates made it clear that they were not a ‘ financial development company ’ but that they could locate a suitable such investor for the scheme .
8 Jeffrey 's family and supporters suspected it to be a plot hatched by Captain Lake and his friends .
9 The councillors loved it , and journalists filed it away for some distant future when Mr Portillo might feature in a Conservative leadership election , writes Valerie Elliott .
10 He has been working in this vein since the late Sixties , when only hippies , greens and cranks thought it was important .
11 Coatings used to have separate plants in each country , because local tariffs and duties made it too costly to import .
12 She died my grandfather died and blacks got it just sold up !
13 In the ninth century , one poet praised its beauty , while another drowned in it ; salt-traders and vintners plied it as a matter of routine ; nobles and religious communities with estates on both sides of it had boats ready for regular crossings and landing-stages where their men could send off surplus produce for sale and unload imports for their masters ' consumption ; Vikings contemplated arduous upstream journeys , but quick getaways ; Charles the Bald , worried over strategic problems , planned the river 's blocking , and policing , and also exploited the symbolic possibilities of meetings at Orléans , Fleury , Cosne , Meung , Pouilly to which nobles must come from Aquitaine by crossing the river while Charles himself received his visitors on the Frankish side .
14 But by 1870 even larger ships and cargoes made it necessary to create a new port , or outport , at Avonmouth .
15 It could not control its folding legs , and Nails helped it , holding its backside up while it propped up its front end .
16 But only a small group of teachers and parents saw it get underway .
17 The pound dropped yesterday by almost 4 1/2 pfennigs as foreign investors switched into the powerful German currency — and economists said it could fall under 2.40 by next week .
18 Various groups of psychotherapists and psychologists took it up , but hypnotherapy was soon overshadowed by the development of Sigmund Freud 's psychoanalytic movement , which relied on free association instead .
19 A tall chimney above the heating plant and workshops made it look rather like a factory under guard .
20 Not least , the absence of any serious rationing of consumer goods , and the large number of exemptions from military service for skilled workers and farmers made it appear that the regime was well in control of developments , did not fear a war on the 1914–18 scale , and was even rather generous in its provisioning arrangements .
21 A special regime for international headquarters companies enabling them to pay foreign income dividends ( FIDs ) from foreign source income without paying ACT ‘ should bring benefits to the UK economy ’ , the Institute of Taxation said , but the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and wales said it was unlikely to attract many new companies .
22 The Silverhill depot is shared by the department 's Water and Roads Services and sources said it would house millions of pounds worth of plant and equipment .
23 Whether Crawford liked it or not , critics and audiences found it difficult to watch this new character without Frank Spencer and his other previous creations in the back of their minds .
24 When Symphony was originally launched in July 1984 it was the first integrated business software package and the fact that it comprised a spreadsheet , word processing , database , graphics and communications led it to be acclaimed as having a good user interface and being a very complex and powerful program .
25 BRAVE Aaron Solomon , seven , had his thumb ripped off in a farm accident and surgeons sewed it back on after it was packed in ice lollies by his uncle .
26 The WI also voted , ’ she said , ‘ and members wanted it to be retained . ’
27 Relations of CAP leaders and regular local government officials were often difficult , and critics saw it as giving an open invitation to agitators .
28 The cherry and whites had it all to do .
29 Often only the absence of sabres and bullets differentiated it from full-scale war .
30 Mums and toddlers thought it was wonderful , we only had half a dozen you see in there cos it was low numbers all round so we had low numbers in the
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