Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Certain groups are better rewarded , not because they are functionally more important than others , but because they are well organised in trade unions or professional associations , having developed and used strategies and ideologies which further their claims for differential rewards effectively .
2 In essence , Labour is proposing the Swedish model in which the state controls the economy — rather than owning it — and taxes it ferociously to pay for a ballooning public sector .
3 They had to work alongside deputy heads and postholders who also had managerial responsibilities , some of which overlapped considerably with their own .
4 One possibility would be a statutory reformulation of Rylands v. Fletcher shorn of the qualifications and defences which so emasculate it now , perhaps on the lines of the Restatement , which imposes strict liability on one who carries on an ‘ abnormally dangerous activity , ’ but this would be open to varying judicial inclinations and would give rise to considerable uncertainty for a very long period of time .
5 Habitat as Spoonbill , with which and various egrets and herons it often breeds .
6 After the collapse of the Byzantine capital it continued as inspiration for Russian architects and artists who gradually adapted the style to their own climate , building materials and taste .
7 City land available for house-building was further reduced by the building of railways and roads which often swallowed up not only building land but also existing working-class housing .
8 The excavation will be much larger than any recent work at Knossos and funding will be required far beyond the level usually provided by the British Academy and other research funds and foundations which traditionally support British archaeological work in Greece .
9 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
10 The counsellor has to be able to extract from the words being used the feelings and meanings which often lie just beneath the surface .
11 We need to shift the limelight from maverick founders and shake-'em-up CEOs to groups of engineers , production workers , and marketers who successfully innovate new products and services .
12 This is surely a far cry from the grotesque yet ridiculous horns and hooves we immediately call to mind in any usual interpretation of Satan .
13 Apart from the risks to car drivers , passengers , and cyclists themselves however , pedestrian casualty figures are also alarming .
14 Although by 1989 the height of the economic crisis had passed , the structural effects of the war and the US embargo left Nicaragua with severe internal shortages , drastically reduced production levels and exports which only covered a quarter of the import bill .
15 But though they were excellent makers of models to other people 's plans and designs I quickly found they could only work well if they were given very detailed constructional drawings and plans .
16 The marriage of Henry of Anjou to Eleanor and his accession , two years later , to the throne of England had brought together under a single sceptre peoples and provinces which hardly knew each other .
17 By February 1890 , this temporary arrangement had extended its coverage and become permanent with the establishment of an Employers ' Labour Association representing thirty of the principal steamship owners and twenty master stevedores and porters who together employed some three-fifths of the seamen and dockers in the port .
18 She was rarely at school , kept away constantly by a variety of excuses dreamed up by her father and brothers who all decided that an education was of less use to Ellie than a clean and tidy home was to them .
19 Walter Peckle , the chief clerk , was a young man grown old before his time , with a complexion sallow and unhealthy , sunken cheeks , and eyes which never stopped blinking .
20 He takes a broad view of this symphony and shapes it superbly according to his own very distinctive view of it .
21 Yet the Italian should perhaps be grateful for a more discriminating anniversary review of his achievements in place of the flood of notes and words which almost submerged Mozart 's genius .
22 Most Sarcophyton species have the polypary densely covered in individual polyps , which may have long or short stalks , and tentacles which similarly vary in size and may be feathery ( pinnated ) or simple .
23 Tuesdays and Thursdays we though were good days so leave it at them .
24 The person beset by fears and anxieties who nevertheless manages to present a confident exterior will often feel self-contempt because he feels that he is living a lie and that one day someone will catch him out .
25 Heat treatment , self-help on the patient 's part , and rehabilitation of the affected muscles by massage and exercise were the tenets of her faith — and I had to admit that a great deal of what she practised depended on scorn for the accepted methods of treatment with splints , braces , and corsets which only assisted the patients in coping with unhealed limbs , not in any actual sense curing them .
26 The people , or " the masses " , had usurped powers and functions which properly belonged to government and the state .
27 Lists of freemen of the city must be used with great caution , for their coverage was far from complete , but they indicate patterns of immigration amongst the ‘ middling ’ groups of townsmen — the tradesmen , craftsmen and shopkeepers who together accounted for at least half the adult male population .
28 Being a teacher today constitutes for many just such an intense set of pressures , stresses , conflicts and uncertainties which often leads people to behave in ways which they do not like , but seem powerless to control .
29 But perhaps the obvious disparity between individual talents and dispositions which clearly fit some for action more than others , the obvious tension involved between the pressures of active involvement in affairs and the inner detachment necessary for thought and contemplation , and the history of the development of Western institutional Christianity with its strong tradition of groups separated from the world in convents and monasteries , or priests distinguished from the laity by their religious calling , make it after all not so surprising that the discussions of active and contemplative life tended to stress their separation from each other rather than draw attention to a more fruitful affinity .
30 Serious hunting began in the early nineteenth century , when tiger shooting became an obsession with the maharajas and nabobs who quickly passed the mania on to the British officials and army officers .
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