Example sentences of "and [art] [noun sg] system " in BNC.

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1 The EDLlB system works as a cataloguing system as well as an issue system and the issue system works from a Title File which is created at the cataloguing stage .
2 Troublemakers have been deported and the education system has trained the population to obedience .
3 Reform of the National Health Service and the education system should become much easier , now that nobody can entertain a realistic prospect of its reversal .
4 There are problems with the health service and the education system and there are sure to be some with the new council tax .
5 This recognition of the " blurred roles " of teachers and librarians , and of the importance of providing opportunities for those who wish to gain an understanding of and professional accreditation in both professions , has long been the case at school level in the USA , where school librarians are generally required to have a proportion of undergraduate and graduate credits in both disciplines ( the regulations vary from state to state ) , and the education system has long been flexible enough to meet the need without the provision of special courses ( though this has its disadvantage in that some students may therefore miss the opportunity to make direct cross-disciplinary comparisons under academic supervision ) .
6 This system of power relations is maintained both at the material level-by the military , the police , industry and so on — and at the ideological level : by the media , the family and the education system ( Millett 1983 ) .
7 The cycle of government proposals and opposition promises of repeal , repeated with each change of government , has disrupted economic and industrial relations , disturbed the housing market and the education system and reshuffled the pattern of Whitehall , without achieving any new consensus or reversing Britain 's decline .
8 The inner-city schools are most likely to have larger numbers of Afro-Caribbean and Asian pupils , and the education system is failing to provide for their special needs because of underfunding .
9 Indeed , it must be more comprehensible to , and dignified for , students to get the whole of their resources from the education system rather than from a mixture of social security and the education system .
10 The Amir , Sheikh Khalifal bin Hamad al-Thani , received a petition in mid-January from 50 leading Qataris demanding the establishment of a consultative assembly with legislative powers ; the signatories expressed their concern and disappointment over abuse of power in the emirate and called for reforms of the economy and the education system .
11 ‘ Schools and the education system in general now promote a more appropriate book for the child to read . ’
12 The consultant had charged over £66,000 for his work and the computer system had cost in the region of £75,000 .
13 My hon. Friend 's constituency experience demonstrates clearly the higher priority now attached to reducing waiting times and the management system that is necessary to deliver that objective .
14 For example , hunters and gatherers were placed low while irrigating cultivators were placed high , then these activities were linked directly with such institutions as rules concerning property , the status of women , the type of government , and the kinship system .
15 It 's money for preparation for the next phase of building work which is to restore the Grand Stair and the rainwater system which has failed .
16 When plans for the NHS reforms were announced I quickly became an enthusiastic advocate of general practitioner fundholding , the purchaser-provider split , and the contract system .
17 Although France had a railway line from the coalfield of Saint Etienne to Lyons in 1832 , it too was slow to develop a national network , partly because of governmental reluctance to embrace the new form of transportation and also because the economy remained predominantly agricultural and the road system was more efficient and extensive than Britain 's .
18 New land-working agreements frequently had to be negotiated , and enclosure into small fields for peasant cultivation may have replaced open land and the strip system of some villages on the coastal plain .
19 Other established systems for presenting references include the Chicago system ( the style of the Chicago University Press ) and the MHRA system ( the style of the Modern Humanities Research Association ) .
20 If you are arranging any function which involves the use of video , it is safest to specify as precisely as you can both the format and the colour system you will need or can offer .
21 After more than 23 years of use , the reliability of the measure is still undefined , the validity of the measure unknown , and the scoring system still under development .
22 In particular local authorities in England and in Wales are required to review to their agreed syllabuses for religious education the school curriculum and assessment authority has been asked to develop model R E syllabuses , a new circular has been issued to give guidance to schools on their duty to provide religious education and the inspection system will monitor and identify any school failing to do so .
23 17 Consumer Targeting and the Acorn System
24 It is probable that both the authorities and the banking system felt the need for an alternative approach to monetary management , and after wide-ranging discussions between the Bank and financial intermediaries , the arrangements embodied in the document Competition and Credit Control became operative on 16 September 1971 .
25 The clearing banks keep operational balances at the Bank which are used for settling the final position at the end of the day between the Bank and the banking system , and their drawing down of money from the discount houses will be designed to keep these balances at a " target " level considered appropriate given the uncertainty of the daily cash flows to the Bank .
26 To this end we study the UK economy and topics such as production , expenditure , markets , government , trade , firms , money and the banking system all feature prominently .
27 It is hoped that a full scale project will be set in motion at a later date but , because it is primarily operational in nature and the expert system is only a part , it is now being sponsored by the Operations Branches .
28 Additionally , to enable a link to be established between the new Visitor Centre at the West Gate and the SunAccount system , either optical fibre cabling or a line-of-sight microwave link needs to be in place by 1994/95 .
29 First of all because erm when we set ourselves up we were erm I think fairly critical of the relief system , and the relief system erm I think is still very bruised from that , it did n't like being criticised .
30 Sometimes this relationship is fairly close ; for example , in the nervous system , the endocrine system , the digestive system and so on , and sometimes it remains almost entirely unknown , for example , the perceptual system and the decision-making system .
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