Example sentences of "and [noun sg] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 To his surprise and discontent the first two thought that he ought to go .
2 Is a banquet going to make everyone feel pleasantly pampered or is it going to cause hangovers and indigestion the next morning when you 've got some crucial business to get through ?
3 No , the point they both make is that Jesus was equipped for his messianic mission by the Spirit promised for the last days ; that this Spirit was not available to others in the days of his flesh ; and that after his death and resurrection the last days were extended , so to speak , by the followers of Jesus inheriting his mission , his authority and his Spirit .
4 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
5 Mathematics and the natural sciences constitute examples of the first , ethics and politics of the second , and fine arts and engineering the third .
6 An excited horse that is enjoying a gallop one minute , may suddenly become fearful and bolt the next .
7 Goals should be flexible so that failure in one term does not preclude redemption and success the next .
8 Those who missed it should start putting a few pennies away each week from now on and book the second weekend in September in their advance diaries , so that they have no excuse to miss Keele 1994 .
9 The first two years are therefore spent in acquiring a broad background of Chemistry , Physics and Mathematics the third and fourth years are devoted entirely to Chemical Physics .
10 Fazisi and Maiden the first time entries
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