Example sentences of "and [noun sg] for them " in BNC.

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1 Format Many public libraries now spend large sums on paperbacks , and budget for them separately .
2 Although the tyranny of ‘ promotion examinations ’ has mercifully decreased in the past decade , in many countries yearly and termly examinations and preparation for them account for a quite disproportionate amount of school time and teachers are virtually ignorant of how and why and when to test .
3 Elected councillors form the majority on these committees and have ultimate authority and responsibility for them , although in practice the education officers , who remain in post while councillors come and go , are often very influential .
4 For some firms the most urgent necessity was simply to reduce immediate labour costs , and decentralization for them was a straight-forward way of finding cheaper labour .
5 We have tried in our family , as we have watched our children grow up , and now our grandchildren , to capture that sort of fun and companionship for them .
6 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
7 For no-one would deny that before any growth and development of curriculum in schools is possible , it is necessary first for teachers to be physically present in the school they are employed in and second for them to be sufficiently interested at least to contemplate change .
8 They 're fighting back in other workplaces throughout the U K. We must fully support these workers and campaign for them .
9 Er do you want to go back and work for them , is that the m the main thing so you 've got your job back , cos if you claim compensation th the basic award is equivalent to redundancy which it sound as though they may well pay about of half that to you .
10 A test of strength , stamina and skill for them all — for the man , his machine and his two loyal companions .
11 Thousands of millions of dollars , marks , francs , pounds and every other currency of substance must be spent every year on plants and equipment for them .
12 As previously explained , the team has some relatively new members and training and equipment for them are , literally , essential and potentially life-saving .
13 Whether they be railwaymen , groundsmen , caretakers , cooks or cleaners , Basil showed consideration for the appreciation of the work they performed and warmth for them as people .
14 The seventy strong press and media corps were in the rear of the Prime Minister 's plane and we had arranged a special area and platform for them in the terminal .
15 In a letter to the London gallery , The Edge , a DTI official stated that details of the case had been passed to Customs and Excise for them to consider whether an offence had occurred as a licence had not been granted for the photographs in the current exhibition .
16 I 'd get bags of clothing and and stuff for them .
17 ( As for the reindeer , one thoughtful child added a PS , saying she would make sure there were carrots and water for them . )
18 He had a degree of concern for the vanquished Germans , and respect for them as individuals , which taught me another valuable lesson , and which still makes his name in Wilhelmshaven one which is honoured rather than reviled .
19 If the Home Secretary meant what he said about increasing the status of asylum seekers and respect for them , why in the debate on the subject at the Tory party conference did he talk about 7 million Russians waiting to move west , when he knew that last year 117
20 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
21 But so graphically did her words convey her love and concern for them that , reading it aloud , both were reduced to tears .
22 He was an able woodworker , making toys and furniture for them — He even built one of them a bed
23 The main camps too , where conditions and supplies of Red Cross food and clothing were not so good , were full of distrust and contempt for them .
24 Meetings , and time for them , are a serious management expense in strong culture organizations .
25 We left powder , food , clothes and medicine for them .
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