Example sentences of "and [prep] the years " in BNC.

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1 And as the years from retirement lengthen , it seems more and more tenuous to group men in terms of long-past work , let alone women who since marriage may never have been in paid work at all .
2 And between the years 1905 and 1925 many inventors worked on the problem .
3 If we restrict the focus to the same five newspapers — The Mirror , The Times , News of the World , Sunday People and the London Evening Standard — and for the years 1971 and 1978 include the Sun , we see what appears to be a steady proportion of one-quarter of this growing number of trials reported , except for a temporary surge in 1978 to two-fifths .
4 Comprehensive figures for non-assisted projects and for the years 1979-83 are not available .
5 Over the years he had acquired real skill in his hobby , and had exhibited some of his studies of Scottish scenery and wildlife ; his real passion was bird photography , and through the years he had amassed a remarkable collection of pictures .
6 And during the years when Pound was most under Yeats 's influence , Pound too embraced this ideal — as when in 1912 he went with Yeats and some others to pay an act of homage to one of the last English representatives of the type , the Sussex squire Wilfred Scawen Blunt :
7 In gaol he refused to try to understand how he came to be there and during the years of his imprisonment spent much time sobbing in his cell as a desperately hurt child sobs .
8 He was awarded his BA in 1898 , and during the years between that date and 1903 he worked as a schoolmaster and tried a number of other jobs .
9 Perhaps no pictorial revolution of the magnitude and depth of Cubism had been effected with such extreme rapidity , and during the years between 1907 and 1910 every few months had witnessed some radical change in the appearance of Cubist painting .
10 He said his wife was encouraging him , but that he realized the difficulties of coming back to the Commons and of the years after the election if we were in office or even more if we were in opposition .
11 ’ That is true , and throughout the years of the a cappella renaissance there has been an undercurrent of critical dissatisfaction , stirred into existence by critics wary of complacency .
12 The bravery and nobility of men like the Cameron of Lochiel who saved Glasgow from the Prince 's wrath , and the Highlanders who died then and in the years to come , are a permanent monument to the spirit of Scotland .
13 And in the years after the end of the 1939–45 war there was such a spate of generals ' diaries that it at times seemed difficult to understand how these men had time for the job in hand , so busy were they with their diaries .
14 Kaplan asked the question ‘ Is one costing system good enough ? ’ and in the years that have followed we have witnessed the response .
15 In 1978 he co-founded Raw , a comic book for sophisticated adults , and in the years since then he has explored every nuance of the form .
16 How do they fare at the hands of those who provide the services both in these later years and in the years after going out of care ?
17 During the Crimean War and in the years immediately before Emancipation , peasant disturbances reached a level which has led Soviet historians to identify the period as Russia 's first ‘ revolutionary situation ’ .
18 Tucked in battle-dress pocket , gas-mask holder or factory overall , they created a link between the civilian and military worlds , and in the years of rationed poetry and imaginative confinement , it is no surprise that they sold out as soon as they appeared on the bookstalls . ’
19 As we have already seen , these make up a sizeable number of temporary workers and in the years since 1983 there has been a major expansion of special employment measures in Britain .
20 It was impossible for Theodore to maintain the integrity of Wilfrid 's position while at the same time attempting to conserve the tradition which Eata , Eadhaed and Bosa represented , and in the years which followed it was the latter which was consolidated .
21 And in the years of glut there is always a slatted wooden tray in some cool , dark attic , which the writer nervously visits from time to time ; and yes , oh dear , while he 's been hard at work downstairs , up in the attic there are puckering skins , warning spots , a sudden brown collapse and the sprouting of snowflakes .
22 Such fears are probably misconceived and in the years that have elapsed since the mergers took place there is no reason to believe that art education has suffered unduly at the hands of engineers and scientists in senior positions in the polytechnics .
23 In addition to all that , my constituents will have to put up with untold damage to their lives , homes , shops and other properties — both immediately and in the years to come .
24 I was not trained in economics , and economic matters were sure to figure largely in the run-up to the election and in the years to come .
25 It is like the crew of a sailing-boat ; you build a team and over the years you make your performances together .
26 Not surprisingly , the Milanese were impressed by the miracle and over the years their offerings to the Madonna amounted to enough money to build a new church , the one that Bramante designed .
27 The Brook provided the water for at least eight mills and over the years there was often great competition for the supply .
28 He continued to see Jennifer on a regular basis and over the years ; she would come for holidays and weekends , and he did the loving-father duties , which he treated seriously , and never shirked his responsibilities .
29 In the seven years we lived there , only once did I ever meet another fisherman on my favourite part of the river ; and over the years I came to know the South Tyne and its wildlife as well as Mole or Rat in Wind and the Willows ever knew their water .
30 This practice has continued to the present day and over the years many of the field geologists became recognised petrographers .
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