Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 All EC students will now be able to compete for polytechnic and university places , and for money from local education authorities , on the same basis as British nationals .
2 In this chapter , two case studies are provided to demonstrate the need for careful Planning by and for leadership from those responsible for the in-service training of school librarians and teachers .
3 Boys were often to be found on their knees before this icon , praying to be made into pop stars and for release from a lifetime as a motor-mechanic , or a clerk in an insurance firm , or a junior architect .
4 So , too , the Factors Act 1889 protects persons who receive goods in good Kith and for value from a mercantile agent to whom goods have been entrusted by the owner for the purpose of being sold or pledged .
5 Lack of resources and of help from the government also hampered voter registration , which in August was delayed by three weeks until Sept. 3 .
6 Yet here is a natural means of self-gratification and of relief from sexual tensions which build up in all of us , which is widely viewed ( regardless of whether it is practised ) as somehow wicked , aberrant , distasteful or shameful .
7 For the unemployed and their families struggling on the edge of starvation and of eviction from their homes , the great failure of the Hoover administration was its consistent opposition to the provision of Federal relief .
8 The early Marx 's notions of alienation , the alienation of man from nature , and of man from man , has parallels in Freud 's thought too .
9 And of course from then they 've increased , increased , increased and still it 's The National Health Service is a farce now .
10 The use of on approval copies and of information from library suppliers is increasingly common , though it carries the major disadvantage of leaving the selection process to commercial organizations whose main aim is to make money ( see pp.118–21 ) .
11 We had the possibility both of a management buy-out and of interest from outside the company .
12 There is no doubt that the outer few tens of metres of the maria are fine dust , but this could be the result of many impacts too small to leave visible craters and of dust from large impacts elsewhere .
13 This distortion causes the deflection of material particles and of light from their classical paths .
14 However if the SEA achieves the high degree of labour and capital mobility that is intended , then such differences in wage levels will induce shifts in employment to low wage areas , and of labour from the low to the high wage areas .
15 The number of specific antibody secreting cells against beta lactoglobulin , mean ( 95% confidence interval ) , increased from 4.8 ( 1.4 , 15.8 ) to 16.9 ( 5.5 , 52.7 ) specific antibody secreting cells/10 cells , p=0.02 , and against casein from 2.2 ( 0.8 , 6.1 ) to 7.5 ( 2.5 , 22.5 ) specific antibody secreting cells/10 cells , p=0.01 , in patients positive to challenge in the IgM class only , indicating defective immune elimination of milk antigens .
16 The law of treason is directed against aiding the King 's enemies and against sedition from within .
17 Eliot comes across as the sad man who sees double , as a living embodiment of the proposition that the double has to do with pain and with relief from pain , with the search , in such circumstances , for someone other .
18 Power applied for a go-around , acceleration was again brisk , and with permission from the tower ( it was , after all , a quiet weekday ) I flew a tight circuit back on ti finals for a short-field landing .
19 Most are living in north London , on income support and with help from Kurdish groups .
20 In a transfer the patient does as much as he can under instruction and with help from the carer , or he is able to transfer himself .
21 But I managed to talk my way out of them , with luck and with help from Fritz and Sapt .
22 In the Spring of 1990 we decided to take the plunge and build our own fixed-wing microlight-under the guidance/regulation of the Popular Flying Association and with help from the MW builders club .
23 And with help from the conservationists this spectacular reserve will continue to thrive .
24 Through increased consumption per capita , through the development of markets for refined sugar among Russia 's clients in Third World countries , and with assistance from other Communist countries Russia not only solved the problem of absorbing the portion of the Cuban crop formerly taken by the United States , but did so in the context both of a resumption after 1964 of the upward movement in its home production and of a contractual willingness to buy far more Cuban sugar than Castro has so far produced for the Russian market .
25 Which animals were being hunted for food , and which were domesticated can be gleaned from the study of animal bones , and with evidence from plant and shellfish remains , there may he clues to what people ate .
26 Before he could reach out and stab him as he planned , and then kill his companion too , and with support from his companions , seize the cannon himself , he heard a scream of pain behind him and realised that another of his fellow fighters had fallen from the ring fence on to the ground .
27 Control of emergency operations is now held by the police , advised by Scottish Nuclear and with input from various Government departments , local authorities , health authorities , fire and ambulance services , and others .
28 Produced with the help of Ashley Martin , Home Safety Officer for Peterborough City Council in conjunction with the Consumer Safety Unit , Department of Trade and Industry , and with advice from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents .
29 My eyes watered with pain , with chlorine from the swimming pool and with oil from the rag I 'd been blindfolded with .
30 The remit of the Technology Foresight steering group includes overseeing the collection of information on scientific opportunities and potential market applications , and with consultation from researchers and industrialists , to produce working documents that will advise CST on the technologies that they judge to be of most importance to the country 's economy .
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