Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 comparison of subjects within groups and between groups I thought that 's
2 I like to have a fairly tough action , and for slide I 'll string from a 16 gauge top to a 58 bottom .
3 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
4 I can remember doing my Mick again from The Caretaker and for Shakespeare I did an outrageous choice of Cardinal Wolsey from Henry VIII , which I do n't think I shall ever be suited to playing .
5 It will be of value to itemise those aspects peculiar to that situation , and for convenience I divide them into ‘ helps ’ and ‘ hindrances ’ :
6 no , suppose I go to this fella , hi , hi , I love you and for Wakey I just go oh hi fee , fee I never two time you and everything
7 I learnt to sleep again , and for days I did not see anybody .
8 Well I would , I would , I would just comment that there er in profits have er have it does n't mean to say that we wo n't have some profits from our estate at Thurrock because there are other areas of land involved , but they wo n't be so substantial and for B-Sky-B I would turn to Frank .
9 And for years I sort of just dismissed it as a sort of thing I did in my past .
10 For Juliet I did ‘ Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face ’ and for Hermia I did the ‘ puppet ’ speech .
11 The voucher scheme also gets rid of the embarrassment of paying someone , and through Joan I 've got a bit of flexibility about the amount of help I get . ’
12 She said nothing to me and after rehearsals I was still standing there ; I 'd done nothing all morning , and she called me into the office .
13 Next morning , 19th July , all is quiet , and after breakfast I decided to pay a visit to the other Commando units ; 4 Commando and 3 Commando , lots of new faces , not many of those who landed on the 6th June are left .
14 ‘ The college has been great offering to find a school for the children , and after school I will be encouraging them to join in the dance and fitness classes for children at the college . ’
15 ‘ Look , I 've promised I 'll tell ye the story of that family , and after dinner I will .
16 To compare the effects of sodium depletion and of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition on microalbuminuria in insulin dependent diabetes .
17 And of course I knew that this hierarchical organization offers the possibility of reward and incorporation into the highest ranks to those who conform to such dictates .
18 And of course I 'll send you up some cuttings .
19 And of course I 've never been introduced to you properly . ’
20 It was there all the time but I had turned my back upon it in a sense , so when I got converted , and of course I was listening to the Big Man 's comments on events and I recognized the validity of what he was saying .
21 And of course I had to admit in front of everyone that I did n't .
22 The stair of my billet creaked , however , and no matter how carefully I tiptoed , in the morning I was always greeted with , ‘ We heard you come in last night ’ , and of course I felt guilty , especially as we could not defend ourselves , having to pretend that our work was of no account .
23 And of course I 've seen her blazing in that dress of hers when she kicked off against someone .
24 It took two days for us to get to Rome where the tournament was being played , and of course I had n't got a bag .
25 You know I always let myself be advised by you , and of course I 'll bow to your judgement on this if I have to …
26 And of course I listened to Elmore James , and all the Delta players — Tampa Red , Robert Pete Williams and Mississippi John Hurt .
27 And of course I can assure him that a difference of opinion such as this will in no way undermine my personal relationships with any of my fellow professionals .
28 Apparently I 'd chosen to pee up against a police station , so they took me inside , and told me off , and of course I apologized .
29 I appreciate that your vanity was stirred by this invitation , and of course I understand your regret at having to decline it , but frankly I think your friend is a little jejune .
30 These days this happens when you check in and of course I was asked to open my suitcase to show them the contents .
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